Group Learning is incredibly expansive. This has been something that continues to come up for me since roughly 2011. Establishing a soul tribe, connecting together, sharing experiences and really honoring each other's soul journey is an incredible experience to witness. What I find interesting is this beautiful circle of energy gains a momentum into how we see others and most importantly how we learn on our spiritual awakening begins to accelerate.

[vc_row][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text]I’ve been a little bit preoccupied these past few weeks so i haven’t been able to give my all to the website. This has mainly been because i’ve been creating new products and taking a few study courses on the side to help create an amazing environment for my new projects in development.

Sometimes we have to step back to move forward with grace. However there has been one constant I’ve noticed  between these new adventures.

Group Learning is incredibly expansive.

This has been something that continues to come up for me since roughly 2011.

Establishing a soul tribe, connecting together, sharing experiences and really honoring each other’s soul journey is an incredible experience to witness.

What I find interesting is this beautiful circle of energy gains a momentum into how we see others and most importantly how we learn on our spiritual awakening begins to accelerate.

What is funny is some of these groups weren’t even that spiritual – I was joining accountability groups for productivity and business research. However the energy remained the same regardless of the theme, it was because they were forming a tribe.

They were sharing experiences, venting out their issues, asking questions and most of all learning together.

A soul tribe leans on each other – It creates a Divine Support System

When it comes to anything we can’t do this alone, we must come together and share our experiences.

It is when we start realizing it is that connection that holds everything together and creates lasting momentum in our lives.

If you feel you’re going about this alone, there are so many other people out there who are experiencing an awakening, who are having trouble with the same things that you are and most of all these people need that connection just like you.

It’s important for our soul expansion to establish that connection because you’re learning to reconnect back to yourself. It’s really beautiful in essence because while we believe we are separate beings, we are here together on an expansive journey bumping into one another  through the ripples we create each day. We are a collective unity.

It doesn’t matter if you’re running a blog, volunteering, going to a yoga class, college or even being a business life coach – we’re all creating ripples out there with our energy.


We live in an expansive universe. Our energy is meant to expand and grow. There is great quote by Dan Gilbert who says:

“Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished. The person you are right now is as transient, as fleeting and as temporary as all the people you’ve ever been. The one constant in our life is change.”

This is why when we feel disconnected – our energy is contracted.

It feels small, closed, heavy, draining and especially feels like we’re closing ourselves off. We shut the lid and resist whatever comes up.

However by contracting through our resistance to change, we forget how expansive we are within this universe.

We close ourselves off while beginning to feel disconnected from the world and ourselves.

It is only when we expand through learning together, honoring our soul tribe,  and sharing our experiences that we create this amazing expansion.

We create new energy by reconnection.

If you think about it, this is why social media is so popular – it teaches us connection. Many people especially even older people who live alone or don’t have family near them, use social media as a form to connect with their loved ones across the state or even the world. It’s pretty amazing when you think about it in this way.

It is this connection that brings our expansion.

Group Learning is incredibly expansive. This has been something that continues to come up for me since roughly 2011. Establishing a soul tribe, connecting together, sharing experiences and really honoring each other's soul journey is an incredible experience to witness. What I find interesting is this beautiful circle of energy gains a momentum into how we see others and most importantly how we learn on our spiritual awakening begins to accelerate.AWAKENING OUR SOUL TRIBE

Everyone out there has a soul tribe or maybe a few of them, people come and go but then we always reconnect. It is that connection that interweaves our stories together.

This is why I created the facebook group because originally during my own beginning journey, I had a group of people similar to this. We leaned on eachother in the same way you lean on spirit. I found what’s incredible about sharing your experiences, venting out your concerns and really opening yourself up to like-minded people is that your energy expands and accelerates at a ten-fold rate.

For instance one person came forward in our facebook group that she was having trouble with alcohol as a spiritual being, She said she drank six days a week. Then she ended up connecting to a few others in the group.

Through the power of synchronicity she decided to go to an AA group now she is a literally a month sober and continuing strong. That’s amazing! All because she opened up her energy to the group.

During my own beginning within our group called Star Children, I opened up about my own issues and this is how I learned to become a healer. It was this exact group that helped me create The Awakened State.

It is ripples like these that are urging us, CONNECTION is powerful and creates massive momentum within our energetic circles of intention. It is these energetic circles that are growing stronger and  stronger. It’s allowing us to step up into our power and truly expand our insights.


We must learn that it’s okay to open ourselves up and ask for help. Regardless of how we feel or what happened in the past, when we ask for help either from the universe, our guides or our soul tribe, we’re still getting out of our own way.

The power of asking is so simple and yet so many of us don’t do it because of fear. It is when we ask that we truly get out of our own way and really open up our energy to the guidance and communication that we need through divine support.

You can always tap into divine support.


This is why today i’m asking you  to challenge yourself and share your story with others. Open up your energy and ask questions. Start digging deeper.

True Empowerment through the higher vibrations begins with Divine support and reconnecting to our soul tribe who helps us reconnect to our true selves.

While the Awakened Network is still a budding flower, I hope this place allows you to open up your energy.


Share your story.

Vent out your problems – start asking for the solution!

Connect with other like-minds, there are so many of us out there.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help and guidance, we are all here to support you.

Sat nam.



If You’re Interested in Joining our Awakened Network – We’re always looking for more voices of divine support and guidance. Come join us!

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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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