When it comes to Self-worth, we honestly need to be looking at Manifesting Self-love for ourselves. Let me explain.
We are BACK with another Video From the How to Manifest Series. I wanted to take a break for a week so we could truly honor the Launch of the Brand Spankin New Podcast: Awaken & Manifest Your Best Life.
If you haven’t tuned in yet, you’re totally in for a treat as 13 episodes have been released so far. And for anyone asking more weekly episodes will be featured on all platforms starting on Sunday and Wednesday! subscribe and stay tuned for more.
So Today I wanted to mention that the Tips I share in this week’s video drop mean a lot to me.
My Journey with self-love wasn’t always so pretty
My Journey with Self-care and self-love was not always pretty, sunshine and crystal baths.
It was fairly dark.
I Used to heavily neglect myself, starve myself, have immense body shame issues and completely dissociate from loving myself as a person.
I have done a lot of manifesting and healing work in this area, I do not take it lightly. The 3 tips i share with you are exactly what helped me get over people pleasing/putting myself last in my own life and learn how to create mentally disciplined habits of self-care and nurture.
When we think about manifestation – maybe we only think we can use it on physical things but Manifestation is just as effective if not more when we work on our Mindset surrounding those things.
we may not always realize this but how we treat ourselves internally and physically is HOW others will inevitably treat us. Let that sink in.
When it comes to Self love and Care we often think, slam some affirmations, have a bubble bath and we’re doing it right wooo.
But we must realize – to really cultivate self-love to increase your self worth, we must look at what is going on Mentally and Emotionally – otherwise that other shit?
does. not. matter.
it means nothing if the internal world is saying something else entirely – like you hate your body, have low self-esteem, hate looking in the mirror or freak out beating yourself up when you don’t do something right –
look I totally get it,
From overcoming self-harm and body shame many many moons ago to completely reinventing myself
Self-worth is created from immense Self Love, nurture and Care.
MENTALLY, Physically, and Emotionally.
It carries the roots of ALL our relationships whether romantic or not.
But, the journey must start with you.
So if you’re looking to increase your Self-worth, Work on your self-care rituals or just have better self-love,
these may be the 3 tips that set you over the edge and elevate your worth for good 😉
The conversation in this week’s video:
+ The unconventional way you can immediately shift your self-worth
+ How to easily link Manifestation principles with self-love and care to help you think differently
+ Action steps you can do immediately to create better habits for self-care.
Drop a comment if this video deeply served you, If you enjoy this video, please like, share with others, and subscribe for weekly video drops every Friday!
Tune into the Video for the full download:
Do you have any questions when it comes to Increasing your Self-worth? Let me know what you think of this week’s episode from the series.
Sending love,

P.S. Want to learn how to get OVER your doubts & frustrations fast to Manifest successfully?
Drop the Fluffy methods and Start Learning My Top 5 Secrets to Master your Mindset & Energy so you Start attracting today! Sign up for Immediate Access to my New Masterclass

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