Did you know that you can literally hear the same thing over and over again but it might take the 100th time to REALLY sink in to your subconscious and get it – I often felt that way with manifestation.

I got over hearing the 40 different formulas, rituals and methods of how i could do it and said eff it – and made my own.

Today I felt so ballsy and decided to share my 4 step process with you because manifestation is a PRACTICE.

And if you really want to manifest something – you gotta get started and on top of that, you gotta do it right mm kay?

Now i’m not saying my way is better than “other ways” – do what resonates always.

But I do know simple is amazing on the nervous system and I kinda feel allergic to hard…lol

If anything starts to feel complicated? Its starting to veer into misalignment territory – manifesting can be as easy as 1 2 3 or 4 in this case 😉

I could charge you for what i’m about to share today but here’s what i know sometimes we don’t manifest correctly because we aren’t even getting the BASICS right

I honestly can’t shut up about manifestation and i’m not afraid to get louder and louder about it but for all things holy – Get the damn basics right and cut out the b.s.

You can manifest in 4 easy steps or LESS but most people are teaching it so fucking backwards that it can make you scream in frustration:

have you doubting yourself, freaking out it isn’t working and most importantly it takes away your power.

Your Power is sacred.

Your Magnetism is your birthright to understand.

Let’s end this now and get started – because you have your entire life to master this formula so it’s good to start now and attract the life you actually desire 😉


Tune into the Video for the four steps that can change your life:

We’re entering a new Manifestation series: What are you desiring to manifest or create change in your life? Let’s talk about it together! When it comes to manifestation where do you most get stuck? Share with me in the comments!

And Like, Subscribe and please share this video with anyone who needs it.

Sending love, abundance and blessings,


🙏SOUL CIRCLE – Sign up for the Soul Aligned MAnifesting Circle waitlist and get into my Inner circle this summer : https://transcend.theawakenedstate.net/

🎯GET A MANIFESTING DETOX: For More Support on Manifesting, Get Instant Access to The Manifesting Detox Bootcamp – It’s time to detox your mindset on Manifesting so you can accelerate your results. Take what you’ve previously heard about manifesting and let’s throw it out the window so you can begin a mind body cleanse on your Quantum manifesting! A 5 day bootcamp to detox your mindset for success and learn how to manifest with the mind-body connection.

Learn more about the low cost program here:


📚NEW BOOK ON AMAZON: A 30 day manifestation challenge to Awaken your Power to Manifest out now on Amazon! Available on all international amazons.

Join the Challenge today and grab your copy of the book below:


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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