Repeatedly I tend to get asked some of the same questions over the years especially for beginners or people passing the blog/website who are curious about how to even get started on beginning to understand what is Kundalini Awakening. I am in the process of creating an outstanding book on the Kundalini Journey where I will go deeper into some of these questions and why.
The epitome of the Awakened State is that I enjoy learning about experiences and questioning our reality. However you will find as you enter this marvelous world there is so much information and misinformation out there. It is all quite overwhelming especially for the spiritual novice.
I know from personal experience there is a lot out there between channelings, frou frou titles like Galactic Federation of Light, new age propaganda, fear tactics, History, culture, religion, philosophy, “don’t eat this food only eat higher vibrational foods”, chemicals are bad, drugs are against spirituality, absurd labels, Illuminati bullshit, and gosh I could go on for hours. I have seen it all.
So how do you know what is right and what is wrong?
I think that is generally what is the problem with society. We have all this information at our fingertips but we aren’t utilizing it correctly by listening to our intuition. Instead we are constantly overrun by misinformation and fear tactics that dominate the populace rather than embracing our own personal opinions.
We FEED on everything that comes into our reality without questioning it especially as we are more vulnerable when we feel dissociated with reality ie on the cusp of seeing through the illusions of reality. Many place blame on the reasons we have been “imprisoned” or “controlled” with numerous scenarios subjugating how we wish to see reality. We are safe within conformity instead of looking beyond the edge and questioning the ego, our cognitive dissonance when it arises. The truth is there is no truth because you are the one controlling reality and therefore creating it with the projection of your thoughts.
All these scenarios are merely formulated around insecurities because suddenly you believe the illuminati has been secretly keeping your abilities from you or maybe you’re awaiting the light ships coming. The real manifestation you want to create is stop listening to them! Question, observe, and trust in the divine faith within you. It is best to use your own soul as a teacher no one else is stronger than the workings of your own mind and for this reason it intimidates people. It shows that we only know our ” truth” when truth is ambiguous to the subjective experience.
While I am a part of the awakening crowd not all new age articles resonate with me anymore as they are laced in control and fear. The best way to understand this overload of information is by learning to focus and tune your own personal frequency from within.
So for this article I thought we would do something different and highlight past posts I have created from various experiences, common questions and general concerns. This is also a great way to surface and highlight some of the posts from tumblr that many people still ask me now. As I stated above I want it to be clear not everything will resonate with you and that’s perfectly natural. Some people enjoy the galactic federation channelings and really benefit from that encouragement whereas personally I kinda think it is mostly fluffy long-winded hogwash.
However that being said I believe in a lot of New age concepts people would assume are pure pseudoscience if they never thought to look out of the box. My point being don’t let anyone be your guru, you are your best teacher along with your mind and what resonates strongly within your heart. If we always go with our intuition and our feelings we are directly listening to our own souls rhythms!
This is why synchronicity is so powerful, it’s the resonance within you. Therefore it’s good to have a level of acceptance that not everything will resonate, you have your own opinions and truths which is perfectly natural. You are not cattle, you have your own mind, creations, philosophies, and experiences. My job is I just like getting people to think and help open up your hidden potential because there is great power within you as the universe lives inside of you.
So with anything use your own best judgement, question your cognitive dissonance(the ego), find the balance within and always let your own intuition be the guiding map to your own soul!
- What is kundalini awakening?
- What is happening to me? Common Ascension Symptoms many face while Awakening post 2013
- Who are the Indigo and crystal children? What are starseeds, rainbow children and how do I know I’m one?
- What is energy and the chakra system?
- Awakening Stories: How do I know I’m Awakening?
- Ego and Soul: What is the Purpose?
- Dissociation: Why am I suddenly having an Identity Crisis?
- Can you explain Kundalini in simple terms?
- Is kundalini evil?
- Do humans have paranormal abilities?
- How do i Further my Ascension progress?
- What happens after Spiritual Awakening?
- Is half the population is going to enter a higher dimension and materialize elsewhere or we’re just going to become multidimensional?
- Was I truly seeing energy?
- During meditation, i feel a tingling sensation is this energy?
- Beginning to understand and feel energy more intensely, what is this?
- How to move past the uncomfortable feeling of energy?
- How to get rid of excess energy when feeling drained from others?
- How to feel energy?
- Ocular migraines linked to energy?
- Seeing white and blue light
- How do I learn to Control energy?
- Symbolism and the Archetypes: You mention Symbolism often, why are symbols important?
- 11:11, 12:12, 333,…What is up with the Numbers?
- Dream Symbolism Questions
- Why are Awakened people drawn to Crystals?
- Do Crystals really work? What are some experiences you have had?
- I need help with Dream recall
- How do Solar Flares connect with Consciousness?
- “You are not your thoughts” but what do you mean?
- If you meet someone in a dream, are you meeting them in the astral?
- What are the Dimensions?
- Understanding the Shadow Self
- Why is the flower of life symbol everywhere, why is it important?
- What will happen if a starseed doesn’t find their mission?
- How can i feel more connected to the Earth?
- Why can I suddenly read thoughts or I am unconsciously sharing thoughts with others?
- Chromotherapy: Why are colors important towards what we attract?
- I am stuck between believing in science and believing in metaphysics, where to turn?
- No one around me understands, I feel alone on this spiritual journey, what do I do?
- How To deal with Depression
- Abuse and The Root
- The Root Cause of Anxiety and How to Control It
- How to let go of Past and Future thinking
- Where to begin when I need serious healing?
- How to deal with being sensitive?
- Archive of Experience and Qs on Ascension Symptoms
- How can i concentrate my energy towards positive change?
- Moving Past the feeling of being alone
- Methods to deal with Negative People when sensitive
- Afraid of Channeling?
- Why is Autism, ADD and ADHD linked to starseeds/starchildren?
- How to Transform worry into faith
- How to deal with suffering as an empath
- What to do when feeling anxiety about my relationship?
- Learning to Let go by the act of surrender
- Dealing with Guilt in Relationships
- Tips to keep a positive attitude during a bad day
- How to cope with the physical world’s money/job fixation?
- How do I accept other’s journeys while honoring my own?
- How to be content with all the suffering in the world?
- How do I cope with my job when i don’t want to be here anymore?
- Having a Hard Time opening the chakras
- Can the opening/ closing of chakras result in physical discomfort?
- How do I heal the Root Chakra?
- What are ways to balance the Sacral chakra?
- Psychic vampires and the solar plexus
- Solar Plexus Healing: Moving Past Anger
- How to heal a Heart Chakra Block
- Suppressing Emotions: Heart Chakra Block
- Throat Chakra Healing
- Overactive Anja Chakra
- How do I open my Anja chakra/third eye?
- Tingling in the hands/feet
- The effect of Marijuana on the chakras
- The effect of smoking on the chakras and how to heal them
- How do I know the chakras are expanding and healing?
- Astral projection 101: history, methods and practice
- Energy Techniques to help Beginners
- How to Meditate
- Basic Methods of Kundalini Awakening
- What is Grounding, how do I ground?
- How do I meet my spirit guide?
- Connecting to Guides and Angels
- How to Tune your own Frequency
- How to Channel a Specific Person
- How do I find out about Past lives?
- Energy follows thought: Visualization
- Information: Where to begin?
- What are some spiritual books you recommend?
- What are some good books on crystals?
- Facebook groups and sources for beginners
- The Inner Body by Eckhart Tolle
- The basics of Reiki and Tips
- We are not Alone by Atala Dorothy Toy
- Letting Go of Pyschological Time by Eckhart Tolle[personal favorite]
Hope this helps you on your journey!
There is only eternity to discover who you are,
Don’t worry so much 🙂
Featured Image: Perhaps the Dreams are of Soulmates by Cameron Gray
- 3 Key Signs You’re Having an Empath Spiritual Awakening - March 31, 2025
- How to Add Mindfulness to Your Busy Life (Even When You’re Overwhelmed) - March 25, 2025
- A Self-Love Valentine: Open Your Heart Chakra & Embrace Receiving - February 10, 2025
3 Responses
Thank you so much❤????????????????
Glad you found it resourceful Lisa ☺
How do you know whats right or wrong??
My heart tells me. Thats how i kno.