Today I'd like to talk about the concept of how we close off guidance from spirit. In the past I've been the arrogant girl saying "well I know that already" and then turn the other cheek. However I've found that this type of thinking is absolute sabotage towards our spiritual transformations. In towards article I go deep into the Why we can cut ourselves off from guidance and how to get back into alignment. Check it out and let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Today I’d like to talk about the concept of how we close off guidance from spirit.

Many times I’ve personally been the girl who’s said “well I already know that…” then I shut down and move on.  In many ways when we create any limit around how we are perceiving our spiritual progress through any lesson of dogma or a specific set path – we unconsciously block our spiritual transformations.

For instance if someone is telling you you need to check out this video, read this book or try out something new, and then we turn them down without going within to listen. We can shut ourselves off from the spiritual guidance.

A lot of the times we can get stuck in this trap of “waiting for inspiration” to hit, right? the classic writer’s block or trying to wait for an authentic lesson to come through the ether and give you guidance.

However I’ve found that it’s really the opposite because all is spiritual. 

When we’re waiting for the perfect inspiration, the perfect teacher or even the perfect lover to come to our door – we’re being of disservice to ourselves.

We’re blocking ourselves by getting in our own way.

In this way, it’s a good idea to realize that all is spiritual. Whether we are meditating, getting into a fight with our loved one or worried about finals. All of that is spiritual.

It’s creating an understanding of unlearning and remembering who we truly are as spiritual beings.

Therefore when we’re putting ourselves up on this arrogant pedestal of “I’m not listening to that”, we may be directly missing the spiritual lesson and the guidance that is coming through.

It’s really funny but you can find a spiritual lesson in a cartoon as much as you can find one in a self-help book. The lessons are all around us because we are always within the spiritual experience, every second of our lives.

Today I'd like to talk about the concept of how we close off guidance from spirit. In the past I've been the arrogant girl saying "well I know that already" and then turn the other cheek. However I've found that this type of thinking is absolute sabotage towards our spiritual transformations. In towards article I go deep into the Why we can cut ourselves off from guidance and how to get back into alignment. Check it out and let me know your thoughts in the comments! WHAT BLOCKS US FROM RECEIVING GUIDANCE

1. We focus on being rigid with our Ideas of What is right about Spirituality

This one was truly a lesson to learn, many of us have a set idea of what it means to be “spiritual” on the awakening journey. How we’re supposed to eat, what we’re supposed to do, how we’re supposed to talk and maybe even what we’re supposed to wear. When we put ourselves in this box of rigid ideas, we’re cutting ourselves off from realizing the limitless possibilities open to our conscious awareness.

When we get caught up in this law of “I am right, you are wrong” even when it comes to spiritual concepts, we’re really unconsciously acting from a place of resistance.

Our ego likes what is safe therefore when anything goes outside that box, we feel threatened for our survival of the identity. Spirituality honestly comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes, that’s the true beauty of the path.

2. We say No to Help and Guidance

I see this numerous times within my own life and within the people I help, we offer a suggestion on how to help and then they either ignore it, deny it, refuse it or make an excuse as to why they can’t do it.

This is all resisting the guidance of transformation.

In the beginning of starting my business model, I first said “I need to be careful who I’m around so I can be extremely authentic in my vision” . Ironically that just made me hit a damn wall where I resisted progress, I fell back on old ideas, and continued to play small.

This was because I was only allowing myself to see my limited reality as it was, I wasn’t fully willing to grow yet.

When I finally decided to seek help, random business bloggers just kept showing up in my awareness. Then spiritual entrepreneurs started coming in, then the tools, research, books, and everything I truly needed began showing up in sequence.

It was like a ripple began to be set out saying I’m ready to learn.

It began showing up everywhere in my life by being in alignment to step out of my box and into the world of spiritual entrepreneurs, stepping into business circles and really stepping out of my past new age agendas. To be honest, I never even liked business until a few years ago, then I suddenly became inspired.

The inspiration was always there, I just wasn’t seeing it because I kept getting in my own way by saying no to guidance and help.

Affirm to the Universe: I’m Ready to Learn, I say yes to opportunity

3. We let our excuses deny us our greatness

Excuses is really the huge one to touch on, how many times have you said “oh I’ll read that when I’m ready, I’ll talk to him when it’s time, I’ll wait for the perfect opportunity to do this…” and then

It. never. comes. 

We often let our excuses block us because we’re not fully getting committed to showing up for ourselves. When we let our excuses direct the path, we won’t make progress instead we stagnant our progress and feel completely stuck repeating the same lesson.

Our excuses, denial, and fighting to be right creates a message that we are not willing to push through our limits.


1. Stay In Beginner’s Mind

If you think of the newborn, who’s open and willing to learn anything they get there hands on – soaking up everything around them. That’s truly the beginner’s mind. We’re open, receptive and willing to commit to change.

When we’re open, we’re more mold-able and allowing our energy to open up to awareness. For instance, rather than shutting down every suggestion, offer or bit of advice you receive, instead be open to what the universe is trying to tell you in this moment.

Stay Open to what is coming through and what is being represented in your daily awareness. What message is coming through right now?

2. Surrender to Change

A big part of letting go of what I’ve been working on creating has been my unwillingness to change directions. I will get real and personal here, it was because I wasn’t ready to surrender to change that it took me two whole years to figure it out.

Think about all the ways, you may be stopping yourself from surrendering to change. Maybe you’re afraid to make the leap, you’re uncertain about a commitment or maybe you’re even terrified with fear in your heart that something bad would happen if you do it anyway.

All of that is b.s. – Belief systems that are holding you back from committing to change. When we allow ourselves to fully let go and ride into the unknown with grace, we begin to unlock the beauty of limitless possibility. The more we cut ourselves off, the harder the resistance becomes because we’re not willing to shift our energy.

It’s when we decide to fully let go of our comfort zones that we begin stepping in fully towards our spiritual power.


I wholeheartedly believe that our biggest obstacle is teaching ourselves to get out of our own way, let go and let God. In our toughest situations, the way we allow ourselves to keep pushing through is by taking our hands off the wheel and letting someone else drive. The universe is like a parent, keeping us safe and guiding us towards our highest potential. I’m sure most of you probably even learned to drive from a parent, well the universe is just like that. The universe is teaching us to drive correctly and align with our highest good.

Like a stubborn child, we can often tell ourselves we know what is best, we know what we need and we know all the answers already therefore we stop ourselves from guidance. If you began to realize that the universe is carrying you, how would you life change? What would stop you but yourself?

Dare yourself to challenge what you know and realize that there’s always an easier way. The easiest way is to learn how to get out of your own way and let the universe finish the job.

When we allow ourselves to have a beginner’s mind that is open, willing and ready to surrender to change, we unleash the floodgates towards our limitless potential and begin to awaken divine support.

Allow yourself to be open towards your highest good.

Let love Guide you always and begin to crack yourselves open to endless guidance.



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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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