Hello there, beautiful!
Let me start by saying that when you do the Inner work – That Internal glow up is REAL (see side photo for reference – that’s me from 2015 to Last nov)

What they often don’t tell you about energy & mindset work is weird shit happens:
- Like sudden weight loss out of nowhere
- You look younger
- You decide to eat & drink better because your body doesn’t simply like it anymore
- You clean up your boundaries
- you take care of yourself better
- you stop your co-dependent habits of smoking or drinking
- You suddenly raise your standards the old crap doesn’t cut it anymore
- people fall away that don’t serve you anymore.
And that’s just the start really,
Yesterday a random stranger said I looked 19! She asked me if the boy I was with was my son, in shock she went ‘but how old are you really?!’
I smiled sweetly, “i’m almost 34”
“you couldn’t look at day over 19 in my eyes…”
(happy early birthday to mee)
I wasn’t ALWAYS this glowy & optimistic though – For real though,
Let me bring you back to the late summer of 2015, I just had my daughter, Leandra I was battling hunger pains and sleep deprivation as I had a toddler at my feet and a Baby attached to my breast. Everyone was getting fed except me, I was always starving…
Living on hotpockets and whatever I could find was easy to cook, I decided for some reason to work for my friend for extra money(maybe for sanity reasons)
My side-hustle was doing her graphic design promotion on s.m., website management, and admin work. I was exhausted, mentally and emotionally. And she was drastically underpaying me because I was good at what i was doing…
Meanwhile, I was struck with so many brilliant ideas I wanted to start with my own website, which at this time was kinda just in limbo – I wanted to build out a digital e-course. I wanted to transition my little tumblr blog with free mentoring i was doing on the side to a new space fully.
And I felt like a selfish bitch because all I wanted to do was breathe life into my real work and have a break without anyone. LOL
I was always putting myself last, my own desires, my own dreams and on top of it I was getting underpaid, writing crystal bracelet descriptions & creating graphics for someone else when ALL i wanted to do was Write on my own blog, create my own work, Finally get the guts to hit record on my camera to film a video.
Instead – I was a procrastinating, anxious, exhausted, emotionally broken down and quite frankly Angry person who usually just beat herself up. Going through the motions of life – catering to everyone else – until one day – I kinda snapped.
my friend told me the work I was doing wasn’t good enough and I had to go back and edit it again, after the 3rd rewrite – and i kinda just lost my shit because I was so DONE.
Fuck. this. shit.
I had a realization that if i don’t put my foot down somewhere, i’m going to continuously keep doing things for other people first and keep putting my desires and dreams on the shelf.
It felt like I just continuously kept waiting until I could have a moment to start.
There was always so many excuses as to why I couldn’t just do things like have a break, work on my website, spend time napping for effing sake – it was a mess. I was a mess.
And I realized very quickly in that moment – if I don’t start smashing some plates and let them fall – I was going to fall.
Shortly after –
I told my friend I quit and she really wasn’t happy with me…(and we’re no longer really friends )
but my low boundaries, lack of pay for a graphic designer VA and my story arc of putting everyone before me – it was tearing me apart.
(I also did my own Fivver research to see how much VA were actually getting paid…it was barely half that. )
So I started doing my Inner Work, I got into what I know about the chakras, Gave my sacral chakra lots of love for the emotional upheaval,
I set some goals for myself, I think i made a vision board around that time too, and most importantly,
I started saying an affirmation to myself to help anchor me – this affirmation changed the way I show up in Life, for my family and for my business.
I said,
” I now choose to put myself first for the highest good of all involved. I am grateful and happy to put myself first for the highest good of everyone in my life.”
And I started to ask myself: What would I do differently if I truly embodied this affirmation as my truth?
The words were clear. “Make time for yourself. Even if its 15 mins. Even if it’s a 5 min bathroom sanity BY YOURSELF, break”
I had a 360 Shift.
I started meditating more daily, i gave myself a mindset challenge from the library, I started investing in myself, scheduling weekly baths & nails and I got really assertive about communicating my needs to my partner which honestly was the real issue here.
He was super supportive and helpful but i was NOT ASKING FOR SUPPORT. So he had no idea. I was NOT communicating my needs and what I wanted.
And I definitely wasn’t honoring what mattered to me.
That period while as exhausting as it was, taught me a ton about: manifestation, raising my standards, honoring my boundaries, asking for what i wanted, & most of all it taught me about the Priorities and values I was setting.
Which is something I still honor and talk about today.
In Awaken your Aligned vision workshop we go deep into the Process of Priorities and Values so you can personally uncover yours.
In this week’s youtube video, I’m featuring a small clip from inside of the workshop so you can see first hand the start of the exercise of going into your Values.
I honestly feel understanding your priorities and values is a secret sauce to manifestation that is NOT talked about enough –
Here’s what I mean,
Enjoy the Video!
Let me know what you feel about values,
Do you take the time to honor your values? Do you even know what your values are? Some people are even scared to look at them!
Drop your thoughts in the comment.

P.S. Only Less than 48 hours Left for the Visioning Workshop and then its back in the vault!
Awaken Your Aligned vision workshop is officially open.
This is my rare out of the vault special New Year Workshop.
February is the best time to claim your goals and intentions for the year.
this is the part of the month, where if we’re not careful we lose our momentum and stop the progress we made in January.
this is the moment to set yourself, your mindset and your habits up for success with my Unique Energetic Manifestation Visioning Workshop. Inside the workshop you will learn a beautiful System that helps Mentally & Emotionall support you going after your dreams! If you’re looking for a unique Vision board – this Proven System is hands down an incredible way to start setting new goals for your New Year!
Get yourself signed up today so you can start making waves. Full Details & Sign up information below:

- How to Add Mindfulness to Your Busy Life (Even When You’re Overwhelmed) - March 25, 2025
- A Self-Love Valentine: Open Your Heart Chakra & Embrace Receiving - February 10, 2025
- Signs You’re Out of Spiritual Alignment and What to Do - January 28, 2025