Whenever you hear the term channeling, it is often either a mystery or sounds a bit bizarre like someone is possessed for fun. This couldn’t be further from the truth.
The reason we fall into this level of thinking is that we are driven by fear instead of faith.
If you’re new here, I enjoy debunking new age myths due to fear tactic propaganda in new age circles. My job is to help you go beyond fear and your limited beliefs.
oh yeah 😉
Let’s crack this one open.
New Age Myth:
Channeling Leads to Not being Protected & Potential Psychic Attack
Let’s debunk this myth dead on.
Channeling is really about authenticity and divine communication through Higher Self.
However you are forever protected. What, are you serious?
Have you ever heard the phrase “you are what you think you are”?
Your thoughts create your reality, we’ve all heard it a million times. However what I’ve noticed especially in new age circles is there is this unconscious aspect of duality and fear tactics that spreads like wildfire.
In particular there are many protection spells, rituals, chants, mantras and you name it against psychic attack.
Regardless “you are what you think you are” we create these symbols of our own insecurities and fear through projecting these scenarios of duality. For example, being afraid of negative entities while you astral travel, is merely a fear you are projecting around an insecurity you have within yourself.
This is being projected into your experience as a scenario you understand through your ego such as a separate being who is “negative” and can leech your energy.
However the big secret so many fail to realize or see?
Nothing is separate at all.
Therefore if you believe negative entities or “evil forces” are real and that you need protection from them also realize:
Like a nail in the head right? Sorry to burst the bubble.
Psychic Attack is nothing more than a delusion you created for yourself around your insecurities and illusions of fear brought on by separation. Regardless everything is connected to you. If you’re afraid of evil or negative entities you’re essentially afraid of a part of yourself.
This was a huge hurdle I learned to cross and boy was it amazing once I discovered this simple fact.
You create your reality. All of it. That includes your beliefs about fear, duality, insecurities and internal fears you carried since childhood. Boom.
The moment you decide to become free, unlimited and fearless realizing the universe is taking care of you, you suddenly discover this is merely FEAR disguising itself in your reality.
The tricky part is learning to see this, accept it and most of all get out of the denial of it. You would be surprised how many people will argue about how “evil” and negative entities are real just to keep their ego comfortable.
Our fears and insecurities are crafted around our dualistic perceptions of reality. This is what shapes our individual perspective from the next person. However when we do this without realizing the connection our perception is still stuck in duality producing an Us vs. Them.
This is rooted in an illusion of separation that we create through our identity of the Ego. This is a natural survival mechanism of the Personal identity. The Ego likes staying in it’s current reality, anything that questions the survival of the identity creates a resistance.
However in actuality we’re a collective consciousness experiencing life together as reflections of the other.
We are a unity! Nothing is separate from you including me, Hi 🙂
People such as psychics or mediums can channel in their communication across the dimensions of spacetime. This is also a common trait of many individuals that go through the awakening symptoms. It is a sensitive art that for someone new to channeling can become incredibly overwhelmed between fact vs. fiction.
It’s not exactly hard to channel, I can personally channel, it’s definitely one of my “gifts”. However there are others who create false perceptions of channeling like those are for channeling “galactic federation of light” promising to save people and bring them home. These individuals are way off-kelter in New Age Frou Frou that I don’t always believe.
This type of “False-hope” can be incredibly damaging, you can always tell when these articles are off-balance when they start mentioning free-will and mass savior complex.
If someone is talking like Jesus, walk away. hehe 🙂
Channeling is the ability to gain information from the spirit realm. A Channeler is someone who is basically someone who opens their mind receptively. This allows their mind or energy body to be used as a filter. This filter or channel then brings psychic information and often times healing energy to others.
Channeling allows the person to experience the ability of clairaudience. Clairaudience is where they’re able to hear information and sounds that are not actually near them such as chimes,various music, voices or even tones of frequency.
The information these individuals often receive happens so fast that they definitely wouldn’t have time to overthink these words. They are fluid, like liquid pouring out of an channeling filter of communication.
Normally people who channel are communicating through their higher self. However they can also receive psychic and healing information from many sources: animal totems, spirit guides, pasted loved ones, deities, or various spirits.
Channeling is about focus and becoming a receptive filter.
If I’m perfectly honest with you a lot of the times they get triggered on accident. For instance mediums growing up may have brushes with death, see ghosts, communicate with spirits but not even fully understand it yet.
It just happens.
Channeling the energy of other beings through communication will put you into a trance- induced alpha state. Many people mistake this for “demonic possession” or some other ridiculous scenario when it’s truly harmless.
What is happening is that you are opening your mind to the information of source and you act as a channel to receive the energy of other guides, spirits, deceased loved ones deities, star families, extraterrestrial beings, etc.
Your Mind works like a transmitter and you basically “receive” this information by being receptive to it.
Let’s be honest though.
There are MANY forms of channeling.
Channeling Through:
- Automatic writing
- Communicating with loved ones, guides, deities, Thoth, star people or angels
- Music – Singing & Writing music
- Creativity – The creative trance!
- Deep Inspiration – Those blissful aha moments of clarity
That’s all channeling.
Do you ever have those deep inspirational days where you write down poetry, stories, deep thoughts, feelings, anything of that sort?
Well it’s technically channeling. What you are doing is you are awakening your energy to a deeper part of your self and that energy moves through your long-term memory connecting with source energy or the collective unconscious. Most people know this as the akashic records.
See it’s not all scary 🙂
I do think some of these people are very real and authentic in their approach. Some of the most accurate mediums online and off all use channeling as their medium to communicate to the spirit world.
Mediums are people who can see spirits and communicate with passed loved ones or even pets.
There are many famous people who channel, such as Bashar, Esther hicks or Barbara Marciniak these people actually channel this information of wisdom. I remember when I first discovered Esther Hicks {best-selling author for Law of Attraction wisdom from Abraham}
I was surprised that a lot of her wisdom was mainly due to the art of channeling!
You really can’t make up channeling, it comes in way too fast for it to be wishful thinking 99.9% of the time.
However there are people who claim they are Archangel Michael or whoever, but it’s good to keep in mind these labels aren’t important.
It’s what the message actually contains and the quality of it that truly matters deep down.
These are all archetypes and people utilizing the archetypes. You’re not Cleopatra or maybe you are?!
It doesn’t matter.
Use those Archetypes for fun & mental clarity not for a God-Complex vanity.

The western idea that talking to these beings or listening to the voice within, conditioned us to believe we are crazy for this phenomena. This isn’t remotely true!
Please know you are not crazy, you’re just waking up to the other side.
Channeling is truly nothing to fear.
It doesn’t make you crazy nor are you going insane.
You are simply opening yourself up to a new level of communication. It’s an innate communication that we have lost throughout centuries.There are numerous reasons for channeling coming into your reality.
The number one is that our consciousness is like a radio antenna, we transfer thought information from this plane to the next. When we tune into other frequencies we can communicate with other frequencies of energy.
So truly everyone channels deep down because what is happening is you are communicating with your Higher Self.
People can label it as other things such as Metratron, Galactic Federation of light, Archangel Michael, etc. but
{Secretly whispers} This is your Higher Self.
What is truly happening is you are communicating with a higher essence of yourself through the frequency channel. Let’s call it your Future Self for less confusion.
That isn’t to say that you are strictly talking to yourself, there are various channels of communication because we live in a huge universe. There are star people, deceased loved ones, angels, guides and others just like you and me.
However most of the time you are channeling from your higher self because your higher self is always guiding you.
Your Higher Self Is always guiding you towards your best possible outcome.
Channeling is that secret medium helping show you the way.
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