This is part 1 of our Awakened Beginnings Series:
Part 1 {You are here} Signs We’re Starting to Wake up
Part 2 Tapping into the Energy World
Part 3 How to Talk to Higher Self
Part 4 Opening the Heart to Freedom
Part 5 Making Peace with The Past
Part 6 Why is 11:11 Haunting Me?
Part 7 The Universe Has Your Back
Part 8 The 15 Levels of Awareness
In our society, we are on the verge of something massive….
It’s in the undercurrents like a secret underground realm of mystery and magic that is kept from the main eyes of the modern world.
We no longer desire to be a part of the conformity, instead something begins growing inside of us. An urge, a longing for something more.
When the clock strikes 11:11 someone is starting to watch. As they go about their daily routine something changes within them.
They no longer feel blinded in a shadow of mundane tasks, but instead they begin to question their surroundings, their truth, and most importantly their reality.
We begin to question: “What is the point of it all?”
Our friendships begin changing, relationships fall away and suddenly we’re just plain tired of dealing with the all the bullshit we have been through.
Our minds begin craving a different outlook, a fresh start. Impulsively, we become filled with the desire to know:
“Why do we exist?”
Our mind begins changing, we start opening up a new awareness to Question everything.
However what happens when you start to question your own reality?
You wake up from the dream.
Awakened Beginnings is a Beginner series I decided to make for those just starting on the path. It will be devoted to whoever needs a helping hand on their journey. This is a big part of what I believe in: educating spiritual awakening, understanding the process and developing the right tools to navigate through these changes successfully.
Spiritual Awakening is a process that is completely life-altering towards the person going through it. You cannot go throughout an Awakening without being transformed like a phoenix reborn.
Awakening isn’t just a lifestyle switch, it’s a alchemical process of the mental, emotional, spiritual and even the physical body. These experiences inevitably start changing our life and the philosophy of existence itself.
Although, how do we get started? how do we know we’re even beginning on this journey?
Before we’re even getting the green light that we’re experiencing an awakening, our body is preparing ourselves for the changes subconsciously.
We’re going to break down some of the beginner signs that individuals experience as they start to wake up.
Kundalini brings many changes to the physical body. We start to become more sensitive towards our environments. We begin to crave detoxes and the various ways to start cleaning up our life. Many develop sudden sickness that makes the body drastically slow down and rest. In short, The cleansing process has begun.
icon-star The Density Drop – The body drops density and we begin experiencing a immune system response. Basically a density drop is a due to the vibrations of energy changing. This usually creates cold/flu -like symptoms. I believe this directly connects to our root chakra, adrenals and unconscious fears. The adrenals connect to the base of kundalini. This is the body starting the cleansing process. Flu symptoms are actually signs of Kundalini movement.
icon-star Detox – We begin the cleansing process of the old paradigm. Many have more urges to clean or create more space within the home, remove objects, old habits or people from their life or physically going through a detox through illness or flu/colds. In general you just have an urgent desire to purge your life in every way possible.
icon-star Allergies & Skin Reactions – Our body is abruptly changing which is creating a hypersensitivity towards energy. This creates a friction between the old body and the new body in creation. Thus the friction creates resistance which can manifest in skin reactions. Food allergies that just appear out of no where, Skin rashes, bumps, acne, hives.
icon-star Back pain/body aches – This is the vibrational flu starting. Kundalini begins at the base of the spine and awakens into the Crown giving our chakras a nice workout. This can manifest as body aches as your spine adjusts to the Kundalini energy. It is not very pleasant…instead listen to your body and rest when possible.
icon-star Body Tingling from Head to Toe – This is you feeling your energy body increasing in frequency. It’s very subtle at times but it’s always there for those aware. It doesn’t mean anything bad, it’s merely you feeling your energy body.
icon-star Dizziness & nausea – The drop brings a disorientation to the body that directly affects the aura. This messes with the root chakra. Basically your body becomes disconnected from itself making you ungrounded or uprooted. Thus bringing changes to the adrenals, causing dizziness and nausea. No ground to stand on, your reality is questioned.
icon-star We Begin Questioning Our Reality & What Is Real – We start to feel confusion and indecision. Our mind becomes disoriented from what we believe is true and what is know is a lie. We start to question everything.
icon-star We start wondering what is our Life Purpose? – We begin to feel disoriented with our present reality, why are we struggling and so unhappy? Is there something better out there that I’m missing? Our eyes stir awake. Suddenly we begin to have an urge to question our reality & purpose: “Why am I here?”
icon-star Disconnection – The mind begins dissociating itself to become the observer. Bizarrely this happens through the beginning state of dissociation – feeling disconnected from the world around us. Another sign of root activity. The disconnection can manifest in distance in relationships, friendships, family or even careers. We begin to feel disconnected from ourselves and the world around us. What is reality?
icon-star Vertigo/ Deja Vu – Our perception of reality is physical shifting. When this happens our consciousness will shift inbetween dimensions which creates a glitch in your perception of how you see reality. Our subconscious is urging us awake.
icon-star Time Dilation – The concept of how we view time is changing entirely. We’re operating more from a unified sense of past-present-future perception. The Time is NOW. Your consciousness is striving for a present mindset. We may feel called to be more present and unplugged. Time doesn’t feel like it has structure anymore, it’s very fluid.
icon-star Out of Body Experiences – With dissociation, comes a literal disconnection to our bodies. This can either be accidental or a desire to leave the body as if you need to trigger an out-of-body experience to gather symbolic information. When we become more aware, our connection to other worlds is greatly increased and we’re able to tap into the Astral World a lot easier.
icon-star Prophetic or Extreme Vivid Dreams – The spirit world and the material reality are intersecting in our mind. Prophetic Dreams and Lucid Dreaming start becoming more common. This creates the realization to the subconscious that we are a creator of our experiences. We begin to unify dream memories with past life experiences.
icon-star Hypersensitivity towards crowds and environments – In the beginning, you may feel a sudden need to retreat because your energy is amplified to an intense degree that you aren’t used to. It becomes certain that the sensitivity grows stronger as our vibrations increase. This creates clastrophobia, anxiety and extreme discomfort around crowded areas.
icon-star Our friendships and relationships begin changing – Drama either surfaces or sudden realizations cause relationships to break or friendships to fall apart. All connections start disconnecting for the soul to dismantle the old consciousness. Many old connections will start dissolving as the soul desires to go inward and recreate.
icon-star We no longer want to deal with the drama and bullshit – We’re just done with all the drama, gossip, mind games and really fed up with it all. Our mind is done with duality and Us vs. them experiences. We’re ready to cut ties.
icon-star Our Life starts falling Apart – Literally. Breakups, friendships disappear, people change, jobs change, everything in your life is drastically shifting and going into a new you. In order to do that the old you must die, that means all old connections must start dissapearing. We create a symbolic death. Often this can bring in the Dark Night of the soul but in the early days, we’re preparing for the dissolve.
icon-star Panic Attacks & anxiety – this is usually due to sensory overload. In the beginning we don’t know what is happening to us which creates a fight/flight response everytime we start associating with the unknown.
icon-star Increase in Intuition & Gut Knowings – You just know things are right, you begin thinking about someone and then they call. You start opening up your intuitive awareness and listen within. You begin testing out your “Feelings” rather than second guessing yourself.
icon-star Bizarre Things start happening – Synchronicity, coincidences, random numbers keep appearing {such as 11:11 or 333}, and symbols appear on repeat to the point where they are unavoidable. The subconscious is urging you to listen and be open to the signs that appear. It starts to feel more like a dream.
icon-star We become drawn to Crystals, tarot, paganism, Divination – Our soul is urging us to look beyond the physical world. We begin to drawn to us tools we need to help us on our journey. Tarot or crystals come to us for healing and guidance. The mind start opening up more and more to the unknown.
icon-star Curiosity about the spirit world – Is it safe? Is there more than one world? The questions begin and our curiosity grows deeper. Many at this stage desire to learn astral projection or start investigating more about the spirit world through other means such as witchcraft, paganism, occult or other spiritual sides. The desire grows stronger.
icon-star We are graviating to Spiritual Practices – Meditation suddenly sounds fun! Reiki becomes an interest for many, kundalini yoga, chinese medicine, the tao, various yoga and other spiritual means. Our interests start changing and we begin to wonder: Is there something more to all of this?
icon-star “Teachers” start appearing Everywhere – “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”. Once on the Awakening journey you always find yourself in perfect divine timing with the Universe…Symbols are there to teach everywhere you go helping you on your journey: people, books, movies, events, quotes, nature, etc. These teachers can be both positive or negative but they are there to give you a lesson and to help you remember who you are.
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These are most of the beginning signs that we start to experience when we’re on the verge of Spiritual Awakening.
Once the mind starts adjusting to the changes, the symptoms will increase in intensity.
For a further list of the Symptoms check out the Symptoms of Awakening Page.
Continuing our Series
Part 2: Awakened Beginnings: Tapping into the Energy World
If your mind is buzzing with questions, check out my FREE Beginners Guide on Spiritual Awakening. It’s a guide of questions from my personal archive I’ve collected over the years from people all over the world. These are some of the more common questions we have once starting on the path.
- How to Add Mindfulness to Your Busy Life (Even When You’re Overwhelmed) - March 25, 2025
- A Self-Love Valentine: Open Your Heart Chakra & Embrace Receiving - February 10, 2025
- Signs You’re Out of Spiritual Alignment and What to Do - January 28, 2025
2 Responses
Thank you Ashley. our incites are assisting many during this time and space. Namaste
This came right on time for me. Literally in Divine Timing because I have been feeling like i was loosing it lol and someone mentioned to me I was going through the Kundalini stage and so happen I started on my path right after I almost took my own life, wow this makes so much sense now.