Today's topic is inspired from my latest muse, Gabby Bernstein. I recently discovered her and loved her message of simplicity. Everything goes back to choosing love over fear and shifting our perception to oneness. In her book May Cause Miracles, she goes over a life plan where we take subtle shifts to guide our energy to a place of oneness. I'm currently on day 32 and really finding it a fabulous book for growth. Anyway a lot of her philosophy is due to the work she's done with A Course in Miracles. The message is simple: "The Course teaches that each time we shift our perception from fear to love, we create a miracle."

This is part 7 of our Awakened Beginnings Series:
Part 1    Signs We’re Starting to Wake up
Part 2    Tapping into the Energy World
Part 3    How to Talk to Higher Self
Part 4    Opening the Heart to Freedom
art 5    Making Peace with The Past
Part 6     Why is 11:11 Haunting Me?
Part 7    {You are Here} The Universe Has Your Back
Part 8    The 15 Levels of Awareness

I will be frank this is the longest I’ve ever dragged out a series but for whatever reason it had to be created this way. So this week we’re going to finish off the Awakened Beginning series and touch two last topics that I feel need to be included in this series.

Today’s topic is inspired from my latest muse, Gabby Bernstein. I recently discovered her and loved her message of simplicity. Everything goes back to choosing love over fear and shifting our perception to oneness.

In her book May Cause Miracles, she goes over a life plan where we take subtle shifts to guide our energy to a place of oneness. I’m currently on day 32 and really finding it a fabulous book for growth. Anyway a lot of her philosophy is due to the work she’s done with A Course in Miracles.

The message is simple:

“The Course teaches that each time we shift our perception from fear to love, we create a miracle.”

I love this message!

A lot of what we experience is about our choices and how we decide to fuel those chooses by either reacting from fear or consciously creating through love.

In my experience this is what it truly comes down to  shifting fear into love through oneness.

This is why it’s important to realize nothing is separate from you, everything is connected. The illusion of polarity is actually a unity. In this way fear is a teacher guiding us toward love. Your resistance is a stepping stone towards new opportunities. Ultimately what we feel as duality due to our ego is actually an illusion of separation we create by dissociating from our present experience.

To put this more simply the universe is always guiding us, however we don’t always realize it because we’re disconnected from our Source energy or what I like to call our home frequency.

When we create this disconnection, we’re usually in a state of resistance or misalignment.

When we connect back to oneness, we’re letting go and allowing the energy of oneness to guide us through source energy. We’re in divine alignment and directly receiving messages from Source.

Source Energy is the POWERHOUSE of the entire collective, It’s the source that lives within you that is connected to everything and everyone. It’s kinda like our battery power, that we can choose to plug into any time to get a nice recharge in divine alignment and awareness.

Today's topic is inspired from my latest muse, Gabby Bernstein. I recently discovered her and loved her message of simplicity. Everything goes back to choosing love over fear and shifting our perception to oneness. In her book May Cause Miracles, she goes over a life plan where we take subtle shifts to guide our energy to a place of oneness. I'm currently on day 32 and really finding it a fabulous book for growth. Anyway a lot of her philosophy is due to the work she's done with A Course in Miracles. The message is simple: "The Course teaches that each time we shift our perception from fear to love, we create a miracle."


To surrender past resistance we must start learning how to feel our way back to well-being, when we do this we’re an open channel to source. This is usually when our Higher self says hi and we get supercharged with inspiration. (Can I use the word sourcegasm? because that’s what it feels like haha)

A big part of this is through surrender and learning to find the balance between commanding your personal universe aka Thoughts become things and allowing the energy to flow.

It’s moreso when we open up ourselves and allow the change, that we stop resisting the changes from happening. Take for instance when you’re in bad traffic, you’re basically stuck there and you can’t do anything about it. You have to surrender and allow the energy to flow. Well this is how our energy opens up to source more and more, it’s through understanding the balance of flow and letting go of our resistance by guiding our thoughts.

When we decide to fully let go of our resistance we create absolute surrender to source energy to flow through us. This is where the energy gets fun and lifts us up.

Practicing this affirmation daily can create subtle shifts in your subconscious towards how you view resistance.

I Choose to See Oneness Instead of My Resistance.

When we create a conscious choice to shift our vibrations, this is when the miracle occurs because you’re directly influencing how you see your reality.

Here’s a reminder to share for anyone that needs it.


When we acknowledge that we are always supported and guided, life begins to open up in new exciting ways. We feel like we’re on a mission or a journey of new discovery because we now know we’re being taken care of by the universe.

Oneness is the highest vibrational state of enlightenment. It is the state of Universal love which removes the illusion of separation of all ties to the ego. It is this oneness that is created through the loving force within all beings.

We are ONE LOVE. (cue Bob Marley 😛 )  One Collective Consciousness.

When we choose to surrender to the universe within us we align with our present reality as a soul. It’s where we understand who we are, without resistance.

We can get to these places easily with meditation, mindfulness, yoga or many other spiritual practices. However it’s a practice that takes mental discipline but we all can learn to practice it because it lives within us.

It starts with being present and enabling present awareness.

It is the state of divine freedom and boundless love. This state of oneness is what we reach when we encounter creative inspiration, epiphanies, surrendered writing or any time we allow ourselves to truly let go and let it flow.

Therefore the Universe is always showing you these divine signs of Alignment.

The problem is we tend to miss them because:

A. We’re not paying attention aka Awareness
B. We’re resisting Change and the flow of the present
C. We’re not going within – taking 5-10 minutes of meditation or mindfulness is a gamechanger!

Here are some signs to know if you’re allowing the flow instead of resisting it. This shows us that the universe is supporting us in everything we say and do because we’re able to truly let go and let it flow.


1. Deja Vu – Repeated Messages & Signs 

These repeated messages and Signs simply won’t go away either. Higher Self likes giving us reminders but usually we’re not paying attention to seeing what is right in front of our face. When we’re in flow, these signs appear frequently to the point where you can no longer ignore them. You suddenly get the message because it’s extremely clear.

Getting Clear: Deja vu usually comes to us when we’re experiencing a mental shift or a direct change of awareness.

2. Your Spiritual Teachers – Bringing you the right people to help you

This one is beautiful, you put the intention out there and the universe will hear your call bringing to you events, opportunities, people, and even books to help you shed light on what you need to see within. I recently put out an intention for a mindset challenge and then I was led to May Cause Miracles! It was funny, I didn’t realize it until after doing the challenge.

Getting Clear:  The universe will start bringing you the teachers you need to see, showing you exactly the transformation that needs to occur.

3. Everything Starts Falling into Place.

I love this moment! It’s like everything starts clicking and falling into place. You have knowledge bombs and tons of them together creating a web of wisdom you didn’t know existed until now. Ironically this is usually because we’ve been getting in our own way and we couldn’t see it. It’s as if suddenly the flood gates open and clarity comes to you with ease.

Getting Clear: When we Allow instead of resist, that’s when the magic happens.

4. Manifestation becomes easier and fluid

The act of manifesting becomes an easy process because you’re no longer resisting the flow of change. A lot of manifestation comes down to getting in our own way and not being able to see it’s already within us, all of this time. The Universe is loving and will show you these gifts of awareness to get you to shift your vibrations.

Getting Clear: the more you shift your personal vibrations, the easier life becomes at manifesting.

5. Your Focus shifts to Forgiveness & Letting go

There is true power in forgiveness and when we allow our energy to truthfully and wholeheartedly let go – our perception shifts from fear to love. It’s a giving moment to nurture your vibrations because you’re forgiving and making peace with your past. This is a crucial moment on the path that often leads to heart awakening.

Getting Clear: Letting go is the first step, surrendering to the flow of Present oneness is the next.

6. The B.S. doesn’t bother you anymore

Instead of comparing, judging or feeling envious, you let go of all the old garbage that doesn’t serve you anymore. Instead you’re able to rise above that mentality and fully embrace the negative as a secret positive. Every pitfall becomes an opportunity for growth. It’s a matter of realizing everyone is projecting from a place of fear or a place of love, when we let our reactive triggers show up – all we are doing is sharing our old baggage as a method of coping with our past pain.

Getting Clear: In reality the more we continue to feed on that pain, the more we have to recycle the same lesson. When we decide to let go and let it flow, we accept the past and move forward with clarity.

7. You Love yourself with all faults & don’t beat yourself up

Sooo many people get stuck here, beating ourselves up for having negative thoughts instead of learning to make peace with our negative behaviors. It’s only when we’re able to accept the good, the bad and the ugly within ourselves that we’re able to consciously move past them and truly let go of what is dragging our vibrations down. It starts with acknowledging through acceptance of the past and letting go of who we were. Accepting who we are is the first step to truly loving ourselves with every facet of our being.

Getting Clear: Go Love and nurture you, you’re doing amazing by just being you 😀

8. You stop worrying and know you are taken care of because the Universe is loving and giving

The Universe has our back! The universe is taking care of you the moment you decide to believe it is. It’s important to realize you’re not in this alone, you’ve got a team out there cheering you on and you can always talk to them and ask for support.

Even if it’s creating a Dear Universe letter, asking for guidance in meditation, a prayer or asking out loud for clarity, you have that power within you. The Universe doesn’t hold vendettas, it’s not out to get you, you’re not cursed or karmic bound. You are FREE and you always have the ability to tap into this loving, abundant source within you and Ask for help!

Getting Clear: The Universe is giving and loving. There is no separation, it’s about oneness always.

I always say that the universe is giving me gifts and blessing me.

What gifts is the universe giving you right now?

How is the universe blessing you today?

Try that out and see how your life changes




Continuing our Series:
Part 8  Awakening Beginnings: The 15 Levels of Awareness


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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