The Podcast is Officially OUT! Welcome to a fresh season of Awaken and Manifest Your Best Life, the Podcast experience. We’re kicking this episode one with an Unfiltered talk on What The Awakened State’s core mission is about: Stop Suppressing Your Intuitive power and Start Learning to Embrace it.
This is a show made for the Soul-Led Leaders & Changemakers born to Lead their Life from their Desires & Attract in Fully what they want. Receive your weekly dose of Practical Spirituality, Energy Healing Tips, Mindset hacks, Mind-Body Wisdom, & Spiritual Awakening advice. Join the Mind-Body Revolution so you can transcend to your next level. It’s time to Manifest your Best Life
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Awaken & Manifest your Best Life The Podcast Experience
After Spiritual Awakening, we enter the space of learning to bridge the gap between our spiritual self and physical self. What we Stand for at The Awakened State is for you to STOP suppressing your Intuition and Intuitive Co-creative Power to manifest. This is the true Mission. For this introduction to Kick off the BRAND SPANKIN NEW Podcast – We are talking about How the awakened state has evolved over the years and its central mission for our community.
This episode will be about:
- 3:33 Why I created the Podcast & Mission behind it.
- 5:11 How we Drop into Soul Flow & Intuitively Channel
- 12:00 How it all Started
- 14:30 – The Evolution of Consciousness is Kundalini Awakening
- 16:50 – Bridging the Gap between the Spiritual self and the physical Material self.
- 19:00 – Suppressing our Intuition & Gifts
- 22:30 – Awakening & Symptoms Turning everything On-line
- 26:00 – After Kundalini Awakening
- 27:20 – The Awakened State’s core mission
- 28:30 – What are you planted into?
- 30:20 – Rising as a Collective Consciousness – A collective revolution
- 34:00 – The Different Currents of Energy
Enjoy the New Podcast!
The back story of Releasing this Mission statement:
This last week I deleted over 900 posts on my website that were highly misaligned with my brand, my message, who I am and what I stand for. Its time to Clean the air and proclaim what The Awakened State’s Mission is about.
If you found me from google from these pages – let me just start by saying – that was who i used to be, but it’s not me today.
That was Ashley the free mentor from Tumblr who just wanted to help whoever would listen.
The Ashley in the past really just wanted to be heard – that’s why I kept over 900 posts from tumblr so I felt Seen with my website.
I think I kept these pages to feel safe in my Brand and Company as a whole. But they are filler like extra iceberg salad – you don’t really want to eat it – but the filler still tastes good lol.
But These New Age Messages are NOT who I am.
Even though these posts on dream symbolism, past live reincarnation, Q&A numerology and Astrology facts that I probably didnt even write(in 2015 copy and paste astrology was a thing) – have absolutely NOTHING to do with Who I am now and precisely what I teach. They are fun to talk about with me but it’s NOT what I truly teach
and Keeping that knowledge from you is of disservice to both of us.
After deleting 900 pages – I have never felt more CLEAR about who I truly am, what I actually do, and Who I am here to help.
Let’s just clear the air here.
The Awakened State is about teaching others how to navigate the changes of spiritual awakening by bringing a practical edge to spirituality.
I teach others about the power of Energy work, Emotional Mind-body Healing and learning how they can manifest/co-create their lives from the inside out.
I hold strong to standing for a company that supports the individual to Feel Emotionally Empowered through these life-altering changes of Spiritual awakening.
The Awakened State strongly stands for creating a world where we No longer suppress our Intuitive abilities but embrace them in our lives.
The Awakened state’s core mission is to help others Master their Energy and their Mindset so they can Attract in the life they desire to live, not the life they settle for.

Spiritual Awakening is truly a catalyst point to learn how to Emotionally heal yourself through understanding your energy body and Embracing your Intuitive Power to Manifest a life you are obsessed with.
We do not stand for “High vibe only” fake positivity and strict new-ageism concepts but rather Practical Spirituality.
The Awakened State strongly values teaching, inspiring, and educating on bringing Practical Systems to Spiritual Principles so we can apply them back to our personal lives.
One of my deepest Specialities is bringing psychology into Emotional mind-body Healing work so you can learn how to reprogram & rewire Energetic Patterns in your Nervous System.
We do this through the use of Subconscious reprogramming alongside of Energetic Mindset work. One thing I teach differently is how to identify patterns and how to shift those patterns so you become an energetic match easier.
This is a foundation in many of my programs at The Awakening School.
I teach others that they hold the power to Heal themselves from the inside out
so they can MANIFEST from the inside out.
Our Values strongly incorporate that you feel:
Empowered by our Articles,
you feel hopeful of true Change,
and Confident in knowing that you hold the power to shift energy & Attract in Solutions for any area of your day-to-day lives.
Without Question –
I know what it’s like to keep beating yourself up for having negative thoughts, after negative thoughts, thinking you’re doing it all wrong because you’re not positive enough to manifest or even “be spiritual”.
Therefore the spiritual community has you feeling shamed about your emotions and human-ness.
Thinking the Ego is bad
and that who you are with your emotions isn’t enough to succeed so we shrug it off, push it down saying,
“just be positive and you’ll get what you want” or
my favorite
“Just relax more and you’ll start to allow more”
If manifesting was as easy as “relaxing” and “feeling good” then I’d be Attracting What I wanted every time I orgasmed.
nice try…lol
But don’t you see we’re missing something here?
But What if, there is a better way?
If there’s anything I’ve learned on this journey it’s that often ‘high vibe only’ culture has you in a state of unconscious resistance and emotional suppression that often leaves you feeling more defeated than joyful.
This can be sooooo harmful to your self-esteem and your personal state of well-being.
I truly believe in sustainable manifestation, built from a regulated nervous system and a Solid foundation of Aligned Belief work.
Most people in the industry of law of attraction barely scratch the surface when it comes to the REAL Inner work, which is why so many people become frustrated by the Law of attraction and healing work.
Wouldn’t it feel so much better to create your desires from a place that feels Safe and empowered?
wouldn’t it be so more inspiring if you began to naturally raise your vibrations so you feel motivated into aligned actions of your heart – instead of forcing yourself positive and pushing yourself into frantic action induced with pressure?
How would it look to imagine that you could co-create your life from the inside out, from a place that feels confident, empowering, and truly safe in your body?
That’s what I wish for everyone.
It’s what we stand for here at The Awakened State.

Before you go I am formally inviting you if you would like to work deeper together.
My signature program, The Soul Aligned Manifesting Circle, helps you Attract in the Deepest Desires of your Heart through the process of sustainable manifesting.
When I say Sustainable, I’m talking about creating a manifestation system that is both practical psychological & reliable so you welcome in your most Emotionally Liberated path possible for true success.
If you’re interested in learning more about my signature program, The Soul Aligned Manifesting Circle. where I teach you an in-depth version of sustainable manifestation and emotional Mind-body healing practices,
Then without question you must check out this NEW exclusive training on how you can immediately learn how to Manifest successfully where I’m featuring:
The 5 Manifesting Secrets to Quantum Leap – Without the Fluffy B.S.
In this Training you will learn:
How to Get Over the Fluffy Methods out there and Actually Start doing the Work That “Works” when it comes to Manifesting!
Learn the Valuable Process of What it Takes to Actually Quantum Leap (This is BIG)
Have More Fun with Manifesting Games So you walk away knowing how to Manifest immediately with Action steps & Thought prompts to help.
End Your Confusion & Doubt when it comes to Knowing what you need to DO When it comes to Getting real Results with Manifestation
How You can Make Manifestation Fun & Easy in your Life with a repeatable System that IS so much easier than hunting down tiktok videos to find Manifesting methods that work for you – not against you(I know who you are)
Enjoy the FREE masterclass!
If you have further questions on The Soul Circle VIP or working together, just contact me with the teal icon in the corner and I’ll get back to you. Talk to you soon!
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