I realize not everyone follows the blog on Tumblr where I write my more personal updates so I thought I’d write a brief post about why I need to take a sudden hiatus especially for the future guest authors who were in the process of writing me back. Basically I just had my baby girl in July early at 34 weeks she spent time in the nicu and is now thankfully home. She’s healthy and thriving.

I have been rather sleep deprived and getting into a routine with a newborn and toddler there hasn’t been much time for anything including sleep o.O Then a few days ago my computer broke and won’t be fixed unless I replace the motherboard. Basically I need a new computer… Soo I am on an unfortunate hiatus until I can get back up and running. I just recently bought a tablet so im starting to gather ideas. I have so many ideas but no time to do them now. I take it as a sign from the universe I need to step back, rest and focus on my family. It is just too hard right now. Ive also been feeling a transition energy everything is pointing me to “reset” maybe we are preparing for the equinox coming already?! The ending of summer is nearing so be prepared for some abrupt shifts coming. Hope to get back in the saddle soon!

Until next time

Love and blessings to you all icon-heart




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I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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