We have now completed the first spiral of Cycles of Healing (32 articles), laying the groundwork for linking the new moon with the Great Year Ages and all that involves. This second spiral will look at the new and full moon charts. If you are new to Western Sidereal Astrology, please read this article. I am using charts drawn up for Washington, D.C. and use sidereal whole sign houses. If you want to know how to use Cycles of Healing with each new moon for deep healing, read this article.

New Moon 25° 11’ Capricorn in the 11th house exact at 9:39 am EST.
This new moon helps us begin to build something that is ready to be manifested in our lives this year. What we have been releasing and re-assessing has led us to identify our Truth more clearly. Now we can begin to actualize it, see what it really looks like and work out the kinks. We may find ourselves aligning with friends or groups that resonate with us for a common goal. Don’t be afraid to reach out, explore, or be a good friend.
To read more about the energies of the Age of Capricorn and how to use them for personal and collective healing, read this article.
The new moon & Sun Squares Mars in 8th house Libra; Mars trines Chiron in 12th house Aquarius.
Mars in Libra can help us identify and begin to create the necessary structures, and Chiron ensures the healing potential. Our deep inner truth and our relationship with the Divine is what is a stake. Watch out for impulsive tendencies and balance with patience, meditation and inner connectedness before making a move. Rashness is not where we want to head these days. We need clarity, integrity and to be okay not knowing the entire plan – have faith and trust in the Universe and our personal process. Step by step gets us there.
Pluto/Sagittarius square Uranus/Pisces, 1° from exact.
Because this releasing pattern is still going on, if there doesn’t seem to be anything upon which to build yet, it may mean there is still some major releasing to do. Give the letting go priority and do not get impatient. That is a theme this month: patience. The structuring of future endeavors will happen at the right time. Do not force anything and continue with the work of personal inner/outer congruency, aka authenticity. Building the same structure that existed before June 2012 is foolish. Change, growth and thorough transformation is wisdom.
Retrograde Jupiter 27° conjunct North Node 29° in 6th house Leo.
As I talked about last full moon, the Jupiter/NN conjunct in Leo is the commencement of approximately two years of a new life imperative to explore: Creativity, fun, playfulness and enjoyment of the arts (think: literature, cinema, visual, avant garde, etc). Expressing ourselves creatively can take on new dimensions over the next two years and those of us who have not yet discovered our medium are strongly encouraged to explore now. Even if we have a medium for creative expression, it will be advantageous to explore different modes keeping freshness alive and vital. Take dance classes, art instruction, vocal training, creative writing, public speaking…. Anything that helps us to express ourselves definitively: who are we; who have we become? Can we discover a way to integrate body/mind/spirit in that expression? A wonderful, creative endeavor in itself and one that needs to be taken quite seriously within the context of fun. Another challenge! If this doesn’t appeal to us, we, specially, need to make sure we enter this arena.
Mercury 29° trines Jupiter/NN in the last degrees of 10th house Sagittarius. This new moon gives us a push toward creative expression and mental exploration imperatives. Make the most of this thrust and start this next two-year period with joy, lightness of heart – and fun! It is all lining up for us now. We have the choice to stretch the edge of our envelope or not. And take things slowly, with patience, to create strong foundations for the future.
The North Node, which is usually retrograde, will be direct February 10th through the 14th. Is there some kind of awareness becoming conscious within us of our karmic destiny at this time? Or perhaps some completing of unfinished business makes itself known. Go with it, specially if it is an ending of some sort. Let it go. This is a clue to the future path. Pay attention.
Chinese New Year of the Yang Fire Monkey
The Yang Fire Monkey energy tends toward impulsive, reckless behaviors. This is where patience in this coming year is highlighted along with the other factors of the new moon chart this month. Instead, channel this energy into curiosity, research, experimentation and enthusiasm for life (look to the house of the Jupiter/NN conjunct in your personal chart for ideas). We look deep within to discern our authentic path, even though many possibilities may seem interesting and call to us. We keep our eye on the prize if we have long-term goals we’ve been working toward and don’t get discouraged. Slow and steady will be excruciating to the monkey mind, but will lay the necessary foundations for the important years ahead.
Please visit Western Sidereal Astrology for information about my Astro-readings via video chat. If tarot is more your thing, visit my Tarot page here. Blessings to you all!
- Full Moon in Sidereal Aquarius August 18, 2016 - August 18, 2016
- Lammas New Moon in Sidereal Cancer August 2, 2016 - August 2, 2016
- Full Moon in Sidereal Capricorn July 19, 2016 - July 19, 2016
One Response
Love this, thank you!