The 30-Day Mind-body Ritual Challenge

Transform Your
Spiritual Practice in 4 weeks or less.

It’s time to End your Mental struggles with your Spiritual Practice. Join the Mind-Body Revolution and Learn how to build a consistent spiritual practice with ease.

mindbodyritual challenge

30 days to Unleash your mind-body mojo & STRESS LESS -
challenge accepted!

This Challenge will help you:

Develop a Consistent Spiritual Practice

Lets break down a simple practice that you can personally get behind so you can be more consistent. 

Increase your Confidence in your Spirituality

With the Right Mindset and Easy Practice you will naturally gain more confidence in your Spiritual growth.

Strengthen Your Mindset to Support Your Spiritual Practice Goals

Gain more Present-Awareness with the correct Mindset tools that focus heavily on The Mind-Body Connection. 

Embrace Next Level Identity Shredding With your Mindset

Half of the Battle is Mindset. The other Half? IDENTITY. We’ll be connecting to Higher self and Elevating into your
 Next Level 

Be More Present-Minded and Rapidly Increase your Conscious Awareness

Get over your Over-thinking Mind and reclaim your Inner Peace. 

Say Bye to Negative Self-talk: Get over your Procrastination, Inconsistency or Self-Doubt when it comes to Spiritual Practice

Let’s Overcome roadblocks together, with the right Mindset and energy tools to help you Ditch the overwhelm, stat!

This is A Mind-Body Challenge to Unlock Deeper Spiritual Connection & Awaken your Inner Peace

It's Time to Uplevel your Spiritual Practice

It's Time to say Goodbye to your Spiritual practice Struggles and Hellooo To your Next Level Higher Self achieving your goals with ease.

So, how does the challenge work?


Every day, you’ll receive a bite size task, Lesson or Mindset Kick ass audio lesson to help you stay accountable to your Spiritual Practice goals. We’ll be covering everything from Mindset, Mind-Body Connection, Goal setting and Spiritual Principles to help you Accelerate your Spiritual Growth. 

This challenge is perfect for you if…

You Need More Accountability for your Practice - Daily Lessons!

Your Spiritual Growth feels like a standstill right now

You Struggle with Procrastinating & Lack of Consistency

You're feeling more Stressed out or Future Tripping

You want to improve your Mindset with expert guidance & a supportive community

You're Ready for Change, Spiritual Growth & More Alignment in your Life

Why will this challenge work for you?

Have trouble with keeping up in all the places? When you download the App, Each Lesson Will be Dropped into your Portal with a Daily Notification from the App keeping you in the Loop 

The Beauty of a Challenge is it helps you stay consistent. You will have daily lessons and reminders if you download the app. Given to you as you go through each day of the challenge. This adds an extra layer of accountability to your practice. 

Overcome Roadblocks with Coaching Support for your Mindset as you complete each day. Trouble with Procrastinating, Dont feel inspired, we cover all the common roadblocks you have when it comes to inconsistent practice. 

mindbodyritual challenge



✔ Daily Lessons To Help You

✔ Daily Coaching Support

✔ A Consistent Practice Build Around You.

✔ Micro-Learning Environment

✔ Own Your Intuitive Gifts with Confidence

✔ Daily Accountability with the App

Join the Mind-Body Revolution and Learn how to build a consistent sustainable spiritual practice with ease.




Most frequent questions and answers

You’ll receive an email which will include all the information you need to make the most of The Challenge and Membership Portal, including  links to download our app and your Log-in Information for The Awakening School Membership Portal. 

Yes, Absolutely! This challenge is designed to work for anyone who’s invested in their spiritual growth journey. We’ll be breaking things down, step by step so that whether you’re a newbie or experienced you’ll be learning new Mindset Tools and Tasks along the way.  

April’s Challenge will be LIVE in April, featured in the Membership as our Monthly Intensive. 

You’re welcome to start the challenge whenever you’re ready, however please note that the posts in the community channel may not align with the stage you’re at in the challenge.