If you’ve personally been feeling off, having everything in upheaval or maybe you’re getting deeply inspired for some life change, You’re starting to feel the energies of the Eclipse window.

The energy behind eclipses can be felt up to 3 months in advance. Afterwards they integrate into our lives for roughly six months creating the transformation that catalysts us forward. If you were ever caught thinking retrogrades are what create the most transformation, it’s really each eclipse window. Begin to think back how you’re life has changed since February where we had our previous eclipse, that’s where the energy shifts truly creates a catalyst into the next cycle.

I really wanted to dive deep into the energetic process behind Eclipse Season and why it’s extremely important for us as energy beings.

Most people are mentioning these are merely energy shifts in process. However what were really feeling is the undercurrent of Transformation built around Eclipse Seasons! They will create a period of cathartic cleansing for us.

The build up to an eclipse can be felt THREE months in advance and they can be felt up to SIX months after they occur where you integrate them into your experience. It is for this reason that they are always important to acknowledge towards your personal advancement because they are the placeholders for soul growth.

Update If you’d prefer to listen to the new Podcast Version Listen here: Eclipse Energetic breakdown


Honor this Window for Yourself. Deep Work can come from these Eclipse Windows.

You should start noticing the energies of an upcoming eclipse right after the previous new or full moon. As I mentioned in the newsletter, this one intensified at the start of the New moon we just experienced.

Emotional truths can be revealed and emotions can run rampant. All signs will begin viewing life from a different perspective during this time. We also seem to take things rather personally and everyone gets a bit touchy.  Deep feelings can come to the surface unexpectedly. This blocked and ambiguous energy will intensify until the actual eclipse date and will resume to normalcy after about three to four days after the eclipse date. Our natural bio-rhythms are out of order during this time, meaning expect the unexpected and learn to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. 

This upcoming month is filled with Tons of Energy Dynamics, be prepared to do some soul work. I’ve also included tips on what to expect for an Eclipse Window.

There is Lots to cover, Let’s break it down.

We are in the process of a massive Integration window. The upcoming month is going to be energetically intense and full of all sorts of transformative soul work. Get ready to start exploring the internal and external change that comes with an Eclipse Window. Today I really wanted to go deep into the Energy behind Eclipses. I keep seeing this coming up a lot for many people in our community where they are feeling shifting symptoms, the reason is the Eclipse Window. Right now we're at a crossroads of heading into the next big cycle, there's the lion's gate energies(8.8) along with Mercury Retrograde (August 12th) coming in between the Total Solar Eclipse happening on August 21st. August will be a heavy integration month which is why I really wanted to dive deep into the energetic process behind Eclipse Season and why it's extremely important for us as energy beings. Most people are mentioning these are merely energy shifts in process or the processing of the Lion's Gate. However what were really feeling is the undercurrent of Transformation built around Eclipse Seasons! Here's a Breakdown of the Eclipses, what we face energetically during Eclipse Windows and some solid tips on getting through these energies gracefully. Enjoy!

Lunar Partial Eclipse:
Feminine. Internal. Emotions. Intuition. Spirit World.

The Lunar Eclipse is Yin Energy. The feminine force transcending our  emotional boundaries and inwardly focused. Especially during lunar eclipses you will notice you will suddenly be very introspective and thinking about your choices.

The energy of the Lunar will really bring our energy inward, you may feel called to start doing some deep inner work, you may feel called to quit a job, move, or embark on a new adventure entirely. The Lunar will get you into the place of your emotional boundaries and where you are bringing your focus internally.

The Lunar especially will highlight your mindset and where you are spending your energy internally.

Total Solar Eclipse:
Masculine. External. Analytical Logic. Material Reality.

They are the Masculine force building external change and motivating us to push forward into new territory. The Solar will have us pumped up and ready to take action.

The Solar energy usually is very goal-oriented. You may feel called to get your body moving, maybe you start creating a meal plan for a new diet, you start going to job interviews, you pack up to move or you create a new relationship. Big signs of Solar activity is when our life physically starts changing BIG TIME.


What’s beautiful about Eclipse windows is you will feel called to start doing that inner work at the Lunar and then your body will start reciprocating that energy into balance through the Solar Eclipse. This means Eclipses not only usher in external change but they also usher internal change within the mind to physically create those quantum shifts of Transformation.

The Symbolism behind eclipses are what make them so powerful. The merging of the Masculine Sun and the Feminine Moon. The deep truth of Eclipses is they are loaded with Kundalini energy. The Shadows and illusions of the moon, merging into the Physical World of the Masculine Sun. It’s a great energy to really invoke change and transmute the past.

So you might suddenly find yourself retracing your steps, getting heady, doing the soul work or wanting to take a new direction entirely with both feet forward. 

Lunar Eclipse

A Lunar Eclipse occurs during a full moon when the earth moves exactly between the sun and moon, breaking up their natural monthly opposition. This is why it sends our Bio-Rhythms off balance. Lunar eclipses create the earth to  “short circuit” the connection between the sun and moon. This may bring confusion or clarity to your experiences.

Keep in mind, all lunar eclipses are Transformative Full Moons that are “course correctors”. They are meant to change your life in an entirely unexpected way. It can also make us unstable as hypersensitivity, ascension symptoms, emotions and our Right-brain comes to the forefront during the lunar.  

This unstable environment occurs because there is change in the electromagnetic energy that affects us mentally and neurologically. There will be some stress as blockages will begin to crumble( the feeling of resistance will also be present) and there will be a feeling of freedom. The feeling creates a chrysalis for our transformation that happens at the Solar Eclipse.

The good news is that creative, inspiring and artistic qualities will be discovered as you let go of beliefs that don’t correspond with your current reality! A New you emerges! This is all a part of making life corrections and Renewal.

Total Solar Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse is when the moon is exactly between the sun and the earth and blocks the light of the sun from the earth. A portion of the complete disc of the sun(as viewed from the earth is temporarily shadowed. It is as if the shadow is blocking out the flow of the sun’s energy to the Earth.

Solar eclipses are very powerful New Moons and are known to herald significant endings and beginnings. A metamorphosis is beginning to take hold and if you are in direct alignment with this eclipse, your life will change forever in magnificent ways whether you like it or not.

I think it’s safe to say, your imagination at this peak of time will be heavily induced because of the Neptune influence. Meaning this energy can fall two ways, it can be loaded in revelations of clarity, inspiration and insight or it can ebb into the delusions, illusions and hallucinations vibe.


This is an energy where it is simply best to flow with the unpredictability of the eclipse energy rather than fight against it. Let go or Be dragged by the resistance will be extremely highlighted in this energy. I highly advice to play it light, listen to your body, focus on what is present in your life and really watch those messages coming up for you during this time.

Sometimes we need that extra reminder to just “Be” and this eclipse is especially emphasizing that. The more we sit in the feeling, the stronger the messages can become.

Pay Attention to what deja vu, synchronicities and direct signs are coming up at this time as the right-brain will be brought to the surface, our subconscious will be highlighted meaning Spirit activity will be activated if we let go.

Relax. Let go & Let it Flow

We are in the process of a massive Integration window. The upcoming month is going to be energetically intense and full of all sorts of transformative soul work. Get ready to start exploring the internal and external change that comes with an Eclipse Window. Today I really wanted to go deep into the Energy behind Eclipses. I keep seeing this coming up a lot for many people in our community where they are feeling shifting symptoms, the reason is the Eclipse Window. Right now we're at a crossroads of heading into the next big cycle, there's the lion's gate energies(8.8) along with Mercury Retrograde (August 12th) coming in between the Total Solar Eclipse happening on August 21st. August will be a heavy integration month which is why I really wanted to dive deep into the energetic process behind Eclipse Season and why it's extremely important for us as energy beings. Most people are mentioning these are merely energy shifts in process or the processing of the Lion's Gate. However what were really feeling is the undercurrent of Transformation built around Eclipse Seasons! Here's a Breakdown of the Eclipses, what we face energetically during Eclipse Windows and some solid tips on getting through these energies gracefully. Enjoy!


You are bound to be feeling something right now, because eclipses work like a snowball, they build and build until the event then you start integrating them into your experience. It’s like right now you’re doing the emotional processing/catharsis/Cleansing work to fully let go of the old energy. Then once we go through the eclipses, they start integrating and merging new energy.

Eclipses are like New Moons and Full Moons on Steroids, the energy is strong and builds in intensity the closer we get.

What’s interesting about Eclipses is they are very transformative and can literally set in motion your theme of the entire year or what your soul is going to focus on within the months to come. If you’re interested in seeing your theme this eclipse look into what houses are hitting your Chart Here:

What will be “Eclipsed” in your life?What House will Affect You During the Eclipse Season

They also create a very interesting balance as eclipses always come in pairs of two. The solar eclipse which is masculine energy focusing on our external reality and the lunar eclipse which focuses on our Internal mind.

 They go hand in hand like a yin yang of experience. An Eclipse window will open you to transformative change and push you into seeing personally what action you need to make, what soul work you need to do and especially what direction you are going to take.

You may have noticed that you find yourself having different thoughts, new people, new locations or new events come up out of nowhere. This isn’t coincidence, you’re looking at the Eclipse energy. One thing is for sure they shake up your reality and start removing a lot of stagnant energy.

The thing with eclipses is they don’t want us to be comfortable, you are bound to be pushed into uncharted waters and when that happens there is going to be a resistance coming up. Like it or not, eclipses will push your buttons because what they do is they send our bio-rhythms off which inevitably can suddenly make you feel imbalanced, out of focus, lost for direction, or shakes up your daily routine. I got a rude awakening of that when I had to wake up at 4:30am the other day…

Basically they are going to push you out into the field of no expectations because things are changing internally and externally. This can be very very hard on people who don’t like change or keep resisting the change. You can see it simply as the more you cling to this old energy of resistance, you’re just going to recycle the lesson and Eclipses are here to show us *this is over* be prepared for New Beginnings like it or not.

Eclipses are a series of Endings and Beginnings which really it is telling you:

Psst It is the ending of a cycle in your life”

So get ready for it.

We are in the process of a massive Integration window. The upcoming month is going to be energetically intense and full of all sorts of transformative soul work. Get ready to start exploring the internal and external change that comes with an Eclipse Window. Today I really wanted to go deep into the Energy behind Eclipses. I keep seeing this coming up a lot for many people in our community where they are feeling shifting symptoms, the reason is the Eclipse Window. Right now we're at a crossroads of heading into the next big cycle, there's the lion's gate energies(8.8) along with Mercury Retrograde (August 12th) coming in between the Total Solar Eclipse happening on August 21st. August will be a heavy integration month which is why I really wanted to dive deep into the energetic process behind Eclipse Season and why it's extremely important for us as energy beings. Most people are mentioning these are merely energy shifts in process or the processing of the Lion's Gate. However what were really feeling is the undercurrent of Transformation built around Eclipse Seasons! Here's a Breakdown of the Eclipses, what we face energetically during Eclipse Windows and some solid tips on getting through these energies gracefully. Enjoy!

Past Unconscious Wounds Resurfacing for Clearing

“You gotta put your past behind ya”
When the Eclipse window comes you will notice a very introspective time shift where you may feel reminiscent of the past or have bizarre past unconscious wounds resurfacing such as bad habits, old relationships, memories of childhood or adolescence, emotional wounds, things you thought you dealt with suddenly showing up.

The Eclipse window can kinda feel like time traveling where you have to be backward to go forward again.

This is all a part of the cleansing of the old energy, a lot of resistance out of NOWHERE can suddenly resurface for a cathartic cleanse, you may even feel a heavy dose of emotional processing even though you were peacefully sailing through life days before. Be extremely gentle to yourself in this process.

Stay Open to the Receptive state “Let it flow”

But what if i don’t like change? Being stuck in the resistance is probably the worst thing for an eclipse because it makes you suddenly go into a denial of moving forward. Letting go of what we cannot control is the outlook we need to embrace.

Stay in the flow and it will make this shift a lot more comfortable, happier, and pleasant for you.

Be Prepared for Sudden Abrupt Change In Your Daily Schedule

They send our bio-rhythms off for a reason, you’re gaining a new perspective and being pushed out of your comfort zone.

This can make people a lot more feisty than usual because people really love their rituals and routines, myself included. lol People don’t like it when they suddenly have to do things off of auto-pilot, like the day you run out of coffee in the morning and have to live without it. You may suddenly be awake at a new hour, you get stuck in traffic and have to take a detour, you go to a new place, you meet someone new.

You get the idea, the theme is “new” and these eclipses will bring lots of it.

Life Changing Events Start Happening

Eclipses will push us into New Adventures! They can be beautifully positive and life-changing, perhaps you suddenly get a desire to go back to school, have a baby, get a career advancement, move into a lovely new home, change jobs, get married, start a business, go on an exotic vacation, cut relationship ties, release bad habits, gain spiritual insights you were stuck on. In fact, Eclipses are very renown for stirring up our spiritual awakening, triggering a dark night of the soul, rebirths and divine transformation. If you were to look back at old eclipses they may align with a very transformative year for you. 2011 especially was a powerful year with six eclipses, meaning that we were going through abrupt changes in a very short amount of integration time.

Abrupt Plans, Evolve and Change

Eclipses will speed up time or change your timetables on you. If you have a “set plan” in the future, it may potentially evolve, change locations, change the date, or completely shift your reality. Let’s keep it simple, prepare for a change of plans.

Be Spontaneous

What’s fun is it also brings with it spontaneous behaviors and events, like a fancy romantic date, a sudden vacation, a new car, talking to someone new, new adventures, new emotions, new behaviors, a luxurious purchase to change your home, whatever it may be Eclipses are known to spice up our lives.

Revealing Truths We Need to Face & Actions we need to Take

Eclipses are kinda like that best friend who helps push you when you need a little extra help with getting the message fast, when you seem to be procrastinating or denying it.

They’re a wake-up call towards telling us what we have been lead astray from, the projects we started but never finished, the dreams we had but never accomplished, the goals we set at the new year but never implemented.

They are the classic illuminators revealing the truths we need to see within about ourselves and revealing the truths of the people we surround ourselves with. They tend to push everything to the surface like someone suddenly stole the rug and all the garbage underneath that’s been hiding is still there, which means we need to clean house!

It’s pushing us towards changing our direction, facing our shadows, awakening to the truth and the big one taking conscious action towards our soul growth

Watch the Signs and Messages During an Eclipse Window

Synchronicities, News, Messages, signs and Anything that starts Smacking you on the face repeatedly that you need to face, change, accept, let go of and expand is one of those Push-Button messages we need to hear. Eclipses are interesting because The solar eclipse is masculine energy generated around what is happening externally in our material world. You may feel called to action during the Solar eclipse energy. Then when the lunar eclipse comes it is feminine energy which is very introspective, intuitive and getting you to look within. This balance it creates makes for some transformative energy dynamics. synchronicity will hit people like a sevenfold. Watch for it.

Let Go of Expectations & Outcomes

Following into “let it flow”, expect the unexpected is the Eclipse’s motto. You may be doing something productive and abruptly get interrupted. You may find yourself going the usual route and find the road closed so you have to take a new direction. Whatever the case may be,  Eclipses will be showing you to Honor the Divine Timing of the journey and to truly let go we must surrender to the process.

Play it LIGHT. Take a breather. Find your fun. Find comfort in the uncomfortable and especially now is the time to stretch your limits by being open to expansion. Whatever that may be on your path. Be open and receptive to it.

Eclipse has one theme every single time

Transformative CHANGE

If you think of your body prepping itself for the incoming energy, you will basically be going though a period of releasement and recalibration. The Energy behind Eclipses will have you course correcting and recalibrating your energy so you can get back on track.

Play it light, Be flexible. Be Gentle to yourself during this very strong energetic month

Let go and Let it Flow

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2 Responses

  1. Hi Ashley, what a profound article you wrote here! WoW, thank you for that!
    Can I share a story I’m going through for now? I’m kind of desperate for a solution, but this is a process I’ve been in for so long, I can’t be playfull with it, and accepting doesn’t look like the right answer.

    I want to get energetically out of the abuse / relationship i have with the guy i once called soulmate. It must have been mistaken. He does not respect me nor my boundaries. He lays him self next to me at night, energetic, without my wanting. He gets into my energy when i masturbate, without me thinking of him. When i am with other men he interferes. He is more and more an asshole and i want to have my energy for myself again. I am tired of fighting him. I don’t want to accept this behaviour anymore.

    The whole night he is here and in halfsleep i cannot beat him off, even not when i’m fully awake. I’m desperate. I do not know how to do this. I asked my angels, the universe, to guide me through this, to Let me see what i still have to learn, and I got this real life conversation with him, where he makes me think i all make it up and am crazy. He makes me shutter on my own integrity and beliefs. He paints me off as a crazy, jalous bitch, where i am Very much certain he is conscious of his energetic interfering. And gets me to believe that i am crazy, for an hour or so. God, there really has to change something, I want to be free again.

    I guess that this decision is part of the eclipse energy. Before I just wished to get into better communication and relationship to him. But I get to see i cannot change him. It is clear to me things must change though. I could use guidance in how…

    1. Hi Maya, My first instinct is that there is a part of you that is energetically holding onto the past energy of this. This may even be subconscious which is okay, that’s part of the energy working on healing itself. To let this go, I recommend really getting in tune with your sacral chakra and going into that energy center. Working through your emotions especially. I also suggest reading my article called The illusion of Control. You need to energetically cut him out of your field. It sounds like the trauma of the energy is still there which is causing an imbalance. Listen to your body, feel in your body where that pain is living in your body exactly, visualize patching it with light and do a cord cut of all energetic holdings. Beautiful mantra to release is “I release you, I release you, I release you”. If you energetically release that holding and clear up all those emotions around it. You will be free of this ♥ Also be gentle to yourself, the healing process takes time ♥

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I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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