Today's article is about the true power of Faith. In this energy lately it's feeling like traveling between two worlds. The world of illusion and the world of expansion. I was reminded recently about the power, the true power of getting out of your own way and letting the universe carry you. So today I have some questions for you, which world are you living in? Check it out & let me know your soul takeaways in the comments!

With all these energy shifts, it can almost feel like we’re traveling between two worlds. I was reminded recently about the power, the true power of getting out of your own way and letting the universe carry you.

In a world of uncertainty, we often let fear steer our life. No matter if we’re prosperous or poor, different people from all wakes of life, still get caught in the rabbithole of our Past and Future thinking. If we even get what we desire, sometimes we ask ourselves out of fear “How long will this last for me?”

As we start to go deeper and deeper into Awareness, we start to see that true faith is always ready to open doors in our life. However we have to be willing to see things differently and start shifting our awareness from a place of lack and scarcity into abundance.

It doesn’t matter how much money you have, what materials you possess or even if you’re backpacking across the country with one pair of clothes. Your faith and beliefs will take you much farther than you can possibly imagine.

Because while we keep searching outside of ourselves for answers, true abundance must be cultivated within ourselves first and always.

When we decide to choose to live in the vibrations of abundance and hold that vibration in our reality. We will always be provided for, surrounded by divine support and taken care of…this is the critical lesson of the Universe.



When we surrender to our present reality and still choose to see things differently, we start changing and influencing the reality around us.

It is through that place of absolute certainty and faith where opportunities come to us, doors start opening, tools, resources, teachers and everything we desire starts showing up without question.

When we choose to get out of our own way, surrender to the moment with absolute faith, we allow our expansion to guide us.

Our expansive universe is the tool that we need to embrace because our vibrational reality must be shifted or we will still stay stuck on the past/future time gap. If we stay in that place of the timegap, our reality will always keep reflecting our fears, insecurities and the illusion of control.

Today's article is about the true power of Faith. In this energy lately it's feeling like traveling between two worlds. The world of illusion and the world of expansion. I was reminded recently about the power, the true power of getting out of your own way and letting the universe carry you. So today I have some questions for you, which world are you living in?   Check it out & let me know your soul takeaways in the comments!


When we decide to believe in the miracle without questioning the outcome, we reign peace in our heart with absolute certainty.  It is only when we decide to fully let go of the limited perception that we step in fully towards our expansion.

Our Contracted reality is the experience through our limitations of the time gap of the past and future perception.

Here is an excerpt from the Energy Management Toolkit that I feel very passionate about:

When we feel resistance, what we’re really feeling is our energy contracting.

Our resistance keeps us stuck because we are making our energy limited by
choosing to stay small. We remain unmotivated, lost, and resist change.

However by the law of polarity, we live in an ever-expanding infinite, abundant,

If you were to imagine for a moment your body filling with light expanding outward
covering your room, now it’s emcompassing your home, then your neighborhood,
now your entire state, expanding over your country. Now this light is
expanding out over the world. Now it’s expanding out past jupiter…

Your energy is that expansive.

There is no edge or end to your beautiful energy, we live in an expansive
universe that we can always tap into for guidance, clarity, universal support and

When we’re not managing our energy, we contract our energy and make ourselves into an illusion of small. The problem is we keep ourselves small and contracted which stagnant growth.

Therefore the two easiest ways to start embodying more expansion is to start
creating an openness with our energy. We need to create an open door.

The real trick is to start opening up your energy to a receptive channel. The
more we open ourselves up, we let go of that feeling of contraction and allow
our energy to naturally start expanding.


The most powerful thing we can do as energy beings is embrace our spiritual essence. The reason so many of us feel that struggle and fear is because we’re letting our energy be contracted and limited.

When we choose to shift our perception and start enabling the possibilities, our life can drastically shift before our very eyes.

I love this Quote by Nikos Kazantazakis:

“By believing passionately in something that still does not exist,
we create it.” 

If we decide to ask the Universe for help, get out of our own way and most of all Believe in the limitless Possibilities, the only thing that is standing in the way of you actualizing your desires is YOU.

The Belief of Certainty is not only about cultivating our spiritual power but it’s about bringing that kundalini energy back down into the earth. If we choose to unify that perception of knowledge into our bodies, our reality follows suite. This is when we slow down enough to witness the miracle unfolding.


As we open ourselves up we observe, become the non-judgmental witness and allow our energy to surrender to the present moment, we start becoming aware to the expansive possibilities all around us.

It is only when we’re in that place of fear, uncertainty and judgment that we keep ourselves stuck in a stagnant energy.

“By allowing ego to determine your life path, you deactivate the power of intention.” – wayne dyer

My questions for you today is to ask yourself or write in a journal these questions:

  • How are you deactivating your intentions?
  • Are you believing in the certainty or the uncertainty?
  • Are you deciding to choose fear over faith?
  • Most of all, Are you listening to the contracted experience or the Expansive one?

The choice is yours.

Faith opens the door to limitless possibility.

It’s time to Believe in you, Believe in Your Expansive Universe.

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If you enjoyed this article, check out my new Product, The Energy Management Toolkit. An energy repair kit to help you enable your Expansive Universe, delete the overwhelm and step into aligning with your desires.

Connect to your expansive Universe with the Energy Management Toolkit


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I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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