Gratitude is the key to prosperity
This New Moon Energy has me inspired to begin planting some seeds. You know when the energy has you in a funk the best way to snap out of it is by changing your focus and believing in yourself again. We need a beautiful empowering ripple to begin creating the New in our reality.

Today I started a new challenge where everyday for the next 30 days you write 15 things you are grateful for every morning or night to boost your positive energy and manifesting power.

Gratitude is a very interesting energy to focus on because it helps align us with our passions.

Are you stuck in a negative loop? Do you find yourself irritable, sad, hopeless or caught up in daily stressors? Are you stuck in Negative emotions more than positive ones?

Whenever you feel stuck in resistance, you need to find a way to rise above it towards positive energy. The best way to do this is through Gratitude and Appreciation.

There is so much to be grateful for when you truly take a moment and look around you, you have shelter, food in your cabinets, clothes on your back and loving family/friends that support you.

Sometimes we just need a cosmic reminder to boost our energy back on track which is why i’m cross-referencing this post between my blog community, fb and the site. A Gratitude Challenge is the best way to ignite your passions, bring peace into your life and especially spark your connection with the universe.

I have learned so much in the past by doing simple exercises to increase my gratitude. It has helped me lose weight, manifest an apartment, financial security, stop struggling, new opportunities, spiritual knowledge, and so much more.

Gratitude not only teaches us to appreciate but it softens our energy, it brings in more light, and creates new experiences of joy because it pushes us to be in a positive headspace.

It also shows us that we can let go and be in a state of surrender of allowing new energy to unfold. This way we stop the negative events from happening and spiraling out of control by increasing our positive energy output.

What’s really interesting is that something you may have been struggling with or that you’re stuck on suddenly will come to light once you’re able to let go of focusing on it and instead focus on the energy of abundance via gratitude.

Gratitude causes our energy body to relax and expand with empowerment.

The secret about Gratitude is that it magnifies, empowers and increases our momentum of what we focus on as a creator. It begins attracting abundance to us. 

Besides I think we need a bit of a boost since the emotional energy of the Eclipse window.

Want to join me in this beautiful experience?

Awakened Gratitude Challenge
gratitude challenge

Are you willing to Let Go of negative emotion and resistance?
Let’s boost your positive energy and raise those vibes!

What Are You Grateful For?

Today write down 15 things you are grateful for.

If today doesn’t feel right start when feel like it. You can start the challenge with what date resonates with you most but considering we still have New moon energy lingering this is the best energy to submerge yourself in gratitude right now. We’re planting seeds.

The universe is telling me, let’s keep it simple but yet powerful first. I want to help you in a new way.

This challenge is simple, anyone can do this, you just take roughly 5 minutes out of your day.

For the next 30 days use your blog, a journal, a jar, a box or whatever creative thing you can think of and write down 15 things you are grateful for each day. 

We are building momentum, so you don’t want to miss a day or the momentum decreases. The repetition is the key.

Over the 30 days I’ll post fun affirmations on our fb group & tumblr that you can use or feel inspired by to use for your own gratitude list. Maybe even some tips, we’ll see.

Bonus Point Ideas: If you really want to share the energy, you could choose one affirmation per day from your list to focus on and create a text picture of the affirmation to post on your blog, fb or instagram.  This will help you focus your energy on gratitude even more. You can also submit them to my Tumblr Submission box
I recommend picmonkey or canva 😀

Use Hashtag #awakenedgratitude

My gift to you, Let’s find your inner creator  icon-heart

I am grateful for you

Are you In?



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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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