Awakening Stories & Spiritual Experiences

Have you had a Kundalini Awakening or Spiritual Experience you wish to share?

Feel free to submit your own personal stories, artwork, photography, messages or experience as they connect to the beauty of Awakening. Tell me how far you have come since you Awakened, what insights have you made, what have you overcome, how has your life changed, what started you on your journey to awakening, how has your philosophies changed?

Examples of Awakening Stories 

Your Personal Image Scrapbook
For Submission Please Include:
 A written bio of about 3-4 sentences
Your profile picture for your avatar
Your  Headline image{please use big pictures!}
Other Photos and Creativity if you desire
Optional: Link to social network, company, profession, project or recognition

Guest Author Guidelines

  • All Written articles must be at the minimum  800- 1,000 words with proper Grammar and Context. Realistically 1000 words isn’t that much in the writing world. Here are some examples of 1000 words:  If you are a little under it is no big deal. You can use light slang but only if it’s connected to the written material. For instance, quotes in a conversation is okay especially for stories, but random slang for expressing content is not. Use the golden rule: if you can’t tell your mother about it, don’t say it.
  • All written articles MUST stay on topic towards The Awakened State. Topics including: Kundalini Awakening, Personal Experiences related to Spiritual Awakening, Chakras, Healing work, Astral travel, Indigo and Crystal Children, Crystals, Earth Science, Metaphysics, Theosophy, Psychedelics, Shamanism, Hypnotherapy, Energy Medicine, Divination, Tantra, Neurobiology connecting to Kundalini, Medium work, Quantum Physics, Phenomenology, Astrology, Meditation, Yoga, Herbalism, Astronomy, Dream Study, Numerology and any other topic that fits within Spiritual Awakening.
  • No Self-Promo unless it’s within an article that describes what you are promoting and HOW it relates to the above topics. I am open to helping others out but within reason. For example: Reiki or Oracle readings not Business Companies or Corp.
  • We reserve the right to edit the post as needed for style, content, length, etc. Our policy is to give guest authors a chance to review any changes before we publish however The Awakened State retains final Editorial Control.
  • We don’t pay Guest Posts.
  • You agree that all Information you sent is your own ORIGINAL material or anything you reference from other sources is properly cited with given credit towards other authors or websites. Don’t send us written material if the article has been posted already on another website[we can make special exceptions for this if you’re the original author wishing to spread your article on other websites]
  • Every Guest author gets full credit with a short bio of about three to four sentences where you can link to your company, blog, social network, project, etc. You can also add a Featured Image or various photos to describe within your article.
  • We don’t guarantee to publish your Submission but we will give it a proper review and make a decision on publication.

We will also ask for during submission of an article is to include: a written bio of about 3-4 sentences, your profile picture you would like to use as your avatar, a featured image for your article and other various photos if you so desire. Also optional, Links to social networks, company, project or where you would like to be recognized.

If you wish to be a potential Guest Author please contact me Here

Thank you for visiting The Awakened State



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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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