Open your Heart Chakra & Embrace Receiving - A Self-Love Valentine

Let’s honor the Heart chakra by remembering what is at the core of every relationship, Self-Love! This Valentine’s Day, I invite you to dive into self-love and discover the beauty of receiving the love that is already flowing within you. The heart chakra, our center of love, compassion, and self-worth, can teach us to allow in more love, abundance, and ease in our lives.

However let’s face it, after years of doing inner work and reflecting on my own spiritual growth, I agree that Self-Love is not always easy! But it is Worth it. 

My birthday is almost here, I’ll be 36! And honestly…not everyday is perfect but I’m just so grateful for all the growth, healing, internal work and progress I’ve made. It all started when I decided to heal my heart chakra. When we heal our heart chakra we don’t just attune to self love, we often will begin receiving that love in all areas of our life.

That’s why I thought with Valentine’s day coming up – We’d take a minute to reflect on all the Self-Loving Valentine day inspired posts I’ve created to help you with your own self- love journey.

And maybe we’ll take a minute here to honor The Heart Chakra and all it’s beautiful lessons it has to teach us. 

Heart Chakra & Divine Feminine Energy: A Powerful Connection

When it comes to understanding the Heart Chakra we know that it’s the center of love, compassion and relationships. However, The Heart Chakra also connects strongly to Divine Feminine Energy as it shows us our connection to our relationship towards receiving. The Divine Feminine is moreso about Receiving over Giving. When we have wounded feminine energy, this can sometimes be harder for us to acknowledge due to always being the Giver, never the receiver.

This is why when we work on our Heart Chakra it can be a powerful connection to also explore our relationship to the Divine Feminine within ourselves. This current of Energy is more than just being ‘soft’, it’s about receptive allowance. When we’re Receptive to our internal guidance, active listening or simply allowing ourselves to BE; we enter the state of softening our nervous system naturally allowing in more self-love, empathy, and compassion.

For example, we might:

  • listen to our body more
  • honor our authentic self and stay true to who we are
  • listen to our Intuition stronger
  • Know when to Rest and Stop for the day
  • Nourish ourselves with good food, pleasure and Give back to ourselves what we need

All of these things naturally guide us back to more self-love. If you were to just think to yourself about maybe changing your late at night soda pop habit for a cup of tea or water so you sleep better, or giving yourself boundaries with screens instead of doom scrolling for less unnecessary anxiety – this is practical self-love. At the same time, divine feminine energy helps support our ability to receive in more love, abundance, and healing because we’re choosing to honor our self-worth.

Likewise, when we awaken the Heart chakra it can help with expanding our self-worth around opening up more towards giving and receiving love, making room for even more blessings in our lives.

Now Naturally, We might be asking ourselves: “Well how do I know I need Heart Chakra Work Ash? “

Let’s explore some of my top articles around The Heart Chakra! Pick what you need Most or grab a cuppa and dive in.

How to Identify Heart Chakra Blocks

The Heart Chakra asks us:

  • How do we feel worthy and deserving of our desires?
  • How are we showing up Emotionally in our Relationships and our relationship with our self?
  • And How do we Perceive Love? What are our beliefs about Love?

Exploring the Heart chakra is about How we perceive ourselves through Love and Relationships. It is about the Emotional and Mental Relationship you have with yourself.

A lot of times when we have a heart chakra block or imbalance it will display itself within our relationships and this is a very easy way to know if you have an energy imbalance in the heart chakra center.

Signs Your Heart Chakra is Imbalanced can show up as:

  • Problems in our Relationships such as a lot of drama or uncertainty
  • Trust Issues or Paranoia – Having a hard time trusting people
  • Self-inflicting issues around how we treat ourselves.
  • Heart Guard – Emotional Walls are Up
  • Self-Neglect
  • Over-Giving to the Point of Burnout

Have you ever wondered if you might have a heart chakra imbalance or energy block? In this oldie-goodie episode, we’re breaking it down even more so you can identify if you have energy imbalances in the heart chakra specifically.

Heart Chakra Meditation

If you’ve been wanting to explore ways to start opening up your Heart Chakra, this guided meditation I made on for the Podcast is a great place to start. This guided meditation will help you open your heart chakra and cultivate feelings of love, compassion, and self-love perfect for Valentine’s week.
Relax, breathe, and let the energy flow through you.

How to Manifest more self-love & care

When it comes to Self love and Care we often think, slam some affirmations, have a bubble bath and we’re doing it right, wooo! I’m on trend. *posts IG story*

But we must realize – to really cultivate self-love to increase your self worth, we must look at what is going on Mentally and Emotionally – otherwise that other shit? 

does. not. matter. 

it means nothing if your internal state is saying something else entirely – like: you hate your body, have low self-esteem, hate looking in the mirror or freak out beating yourself up when you don’t do something right – 

look I totally get it, 

From overcoming self-destructive behaviors and body shame many many moons ago to completely reinventing myself.

Self-worth is created from immense Self Love, nurture and Care that is created with the Mind-Body Connection. Self-worth isn’t just physical, it’s also heavily influenced by your mental and emotional well-being.

However, the journey must start with you.

If you’re struggling with self-care, this episode is made for you. The 3 tips I share with you are exactly what helped me get over people pleasing/putting myself last in my own life and how I created mentally disciplined habits of self-care over the years on my self-love journey.

How to Allow More Divine Feminine Energy into my life?

What is divine feminine energy

Are you in the dating world using words such as “Tapping into my divine feminine or masculine?” This is a really trendy thing lately in the spiritual dating world – The concepts of being more divine feminine Vs Divine masculine. Worrying about “am I too much in my feminine, that I can’t attract a divine masculine man”? We have overly complicated something that is actually very SPIRITUAL in nature and has nothing to do with how you’re dating someone. Did you know the origins are actually connected to Kundalini? Let’s unpack what the Divine Feminine really is and how you can start to practically tap into it in your own life.

What is Divine Feminine Energy?

Divine Feminine Energy is the state of receptive allowance. If you grew up suppressing your intuition, you might have a hard time connecting to your Divine Feminine energy, which is very naturally intuitive and receptive. If you were to just imagine here how energy works, we have receptive (passive) energy, and then we have active energy. Active energy is when you’re putting forth a bunch of effort. You’re taking the actions you need to take. You’re pushing yourself forward.

Then on the other spectrum, we have receptive energy. This feels like listening instead of talking. It’s flowing instead of forcing. It’s being in a place where you’re allowing instead of pushing.

This is the best place to manifest because when you’re in this space of the divine feminine, you’re listening to your intuition more easily. You’re starting to understand the receptive messages that are coming forth. Most Importantly, you’re able to easily Pick up on Aligned Actions to take.

Tune into this week’s episode for the Full Download on How to Practically use the divine Feminine in your own Life.

3 Tips to Help Manifest MORE LOVE & a Relationship

Taken from the How to Manifest series – Let’s talk about Love and Relationships, in this Love Master Blog! “Love Master 🤣”

In the Law of attraction world, there’s a lot of people ask questions about how to: manifest a text, a specific person, a relationship, a twin flame or simply just being more magnetic when it comes to relationships. “How can I be more Magnetic?!”

From my own personal experience, These are my top 3 tips when it comes to Manifesting Love and what to immediately focus on when it comes to amping up your attraction power in your personal relationships.

Warning – If you actually apply these 3 tips you will definitely start to experience a shift

In this video i share:

3 Effective Tips on how to use manifestation when it comes to Love
How to Crack open that Heart chakra
Going into the Skeleton of what really influences your Attraction Power when it comes to relationships(this is BIG)

Heart Chakra healing for more Self-Love and Confidence!

Feeling disconnected from love, whether it’s for yourself or others? Your heart chakra might be blocked. In this video, I’m sharing 3 powerful heart chakra healing tips to help you open your heart, cultivate self-love, and feel more confident in your relationships and within yourself.

We’ll dive into:

  • Signs your heart chakra is blocked (and what that actually looks like in daily life)
  • How to release emotional blocks & heal your heart energy
  • Simple but powerful heart chakra practices to boost self-love & confidence

Watch now for Valentine’s Weekend!

Opening Your Heart Chakra Can Set You Free

In conclusion, it’s really easy to complicate our relationships or make things bigger than what they are with Divine Feminine & Masculine Principles. However, understanding your heart chakra is ultimately what can set you emotionally free. It’s a tool to understand yourself deeper, love yourself better and learn how to attract that beautiful love in your life in return.

Ah this was so fun to revisit and create for you!

What do you feel is your biggest challenge when it comes to opening your heart and receiving love? Drop a comment below!

Subscribe for more weekly episodes every Friday Here or Tune in on your favorite podcast host at Awaken & Manifest Your Best Life

💞 Happy Valentine’s Day 💞

the awakened state

P.S. Are you needing some extra Support When it comes to the Heart Chakra?  Look no further than the Heart Chakra Awakening 10 Day Workshop! Your self-worth is the key to Allowing in more love, abundance, and ease in your life.  If you’ve been struggling with receiving, feeling stuck in relationships, or doubting your worth.  

This Heart Chakra Awakening Workshop is for you. Get Ready to Allow in more Receiving so you can heal, align, and step into your power.

>>> Ready to Crack Open my Heart chakra >>>

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Open your Heart Chakra for Receiving -  A Self-Love Valentine

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I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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