When it comes to understanding energy, the first thing we usually think is that we need to slap a bunch of affirmations and get high vibe. However the first step to reclaiming your co-creative power is to actually figure out what is taking you out of that power so you can begin shifting it.
The truth is “high vibe only” will only get you so far because you’re not touching on the root of the issue, you’re putting on a glittery band-aid over the problem.
When we begin to understand what is taking us out of our power,
now we have some potent material to work with and we have the awareness to change.
This is because Higher truth is who we truly are, it is our natural state to be a Receiver and transmitter of Energetic information.
However, as a society we have clogged up that channel with a lot of noise and distortion, I like to call this, illusions of perception.
This is what creates so much Noise that Blocks our Higher Truth that we are a natural co-creator, a natural manifestor of our life. Instead, we have fallen down this rabbit hole Believing we are powerless over circumstance, that we must suffer and completely struggle to Allow in the good in our lives.
We Have blocked our higher truth and become disconnected from soul.
The Fear-mind aka our Ego begins to take over
We begin to make the fear stronger and bigger than listening to our own internal SOUL guidance system.
we start to doubt, hold back, shrink, not follow through
and we start to take action from Fear.
Or Worse we don’t take action at all, we become an overwhelmed frozen deer in headlights! Sound familiar?
We are more powerful than we realize
Our energy is more powerful than any external circumstance or situation.
We always hold the power to change our thoughts, our beliefs, our frequency,
Free-will and our power of Choosing is our Birthright as a co-creative being.
These Beliefs, habits, and patterns are something we inherited that create a lot of resistance in our lives.
However we hold the power to change them and luckily you’ve always been in control of your life and your mind.
The Higher Truth is that the world is responding to you, not the other way around.
Soooo what happens when we take action from a place of Soul and divine faith?
we enter the flow state, we enter alignment
The sad truth is as a society, we have become addicted to the fear -mind, this is what keeps us in uncertainty, lack, doubt, dread and fear in general.
We keep suppressing and holding back what it means to co-create and lead from our true essence, our higher consciousness, our soul.
This means we must learn how to Shift energy back into alignment.
I explain deeper in the video.
Energy is information. However if we’re stuck in a place of fear, we’re in a reactive state of mind this creates a cycle where we’re taking action from a place of fear. In the vlog I share the difference between when we’re taking action from fear vs. soul and soul work on how we can begin to Shift our energy out of Fear and back into soul alignment.
>> This latest vlog is taken from the 3 day Create a Soul-aligned life training series I did on fb, to watch the entire free training go here: https://www.facebook.com/theawakeneds…
Awareness is always the first step to radical transformation. This is your classic Energy Management 101 Lesson.
1. What is your Focus right now?
2. What is the energy like behind your focus?
3. What are the aligned actions you’re taking?
4. What is one thing you can do to feel better & Shift your focus?
Try the soul work above and let me know what comes up for you. Have Questions or Thoughts about shifting energy.
Share them below in the comments
p.s. Soul Nourishment Bootcamp is open for enrollment right now!
The Bootcamp was made for those who are Tired of putting themselves last, they’re ready for Shifts and unapologetic Receiving in their desires!
They desire to reconnect with their authentic truth and deep dive into their higher self knowing that they can then embody, apply and integrate that into their physical world.
It’s honestly a program to learn how to manifest from alignment and RECONNECT to your Higher truth, your soul, your authentic soul longings and desires. Let’s start bringing that to life!
This program will change you, shift you, open you up, reveal to you what needs to be seen, while bootcamping the mind with daily lessons!
I’m so proud of what i’ve created with this one.
Plus I made it super accessible with payment plan options.
The Program closes on the 20th (Mercury direct )so If you’re ready to Dive into some powerful topics to reprogram beliefs, manifest from an energy of alignment and Bootcamp your mind with coaching Q&A support from me for five weeks
It would be an honor to serve you.
Have Questions about the program, drop it below
Get Instant Access to all 30 Recordings + 5 Modules + Soul work right here
>>> Soul Nourishment Bootcamp >>>
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