Let’s Go Beyond Numerology folks ?

Guys I’ve had such a fun and life-altering shift around Signs and Synchronicities that show up.

In this case, How we can use them to understand our Alignment and manifesting magic?

Don’t you love it when you’ve been receiving downloads for years on something, but then you suddenly look at it in a new way and go WOW – Why didn’t I see it so obvious as that, compared to five or ten years ago…?!

Another layer, Another perception to uncover.

It’s as if you see one way and then the deeper into your own personal growth you start to see the same thing from a deeper perception that well is simply quite fun.

In today’s video, I want to share with you a beautiful mindset hack to work with your own synchronicity, signs, deja vu, and messages that come through you.

As Higher self reminds us: Slow Down and Pay Attention to the Messages.

I could recite this little saying over and over again because loves it is SOOO true.

The more you slow down, listen and HEAR without sound, your own personal loving alignment frequencies will be revealed to you.

This will show you what guidance you need to hear, what lessons you need to integrate, and what solution is surfacing for drastic upleveling.

I recognize this is a more “out there” topic and if you’re just starting your journey here, this lesson may be a bit ‘woahhh’ for you. 

Instead, I invite you to sit with an open mind, an open heart and trust, the message that you need will be revealed to you.

Also as I mentioned in the video, this isn’t just me being out there, this is actually a neuroscientific concept called your R.a.s. (reticular activating system)

When we start to work with and understand our r.a.s we can easily begin to uplevel our manifesting. This is something I talk deeply on in my manifesting programs in the shop.

Let me know your insights or ahas after applying this soul lesson in the comments.

Subscribe to the youtube for more Energy & Manifesting Tips.

P.S. Guess what is coming back? It’s time for a Mindset Reset!

The Alignment Reset Challenge is coming back!

If you’re ready for some Mindset shifts, stepping into your manifesting super powers and learning to access your personal alignment, you can snag an early seat – by enrolling today before the price goes up with some new live training upgrades 😉 

This is a program built around learning how to access your personal alignment, reset your mindset, heal your body and learn to manifest from alignment.

This challenge is built around 4 foundational topics: Managing your energy, raising your vibration naturally, deactivating the fear response and manifesting from alignment.

So much goodness in here, full details and sign up info below.
We start July 19th! Early bird pricing ends on Sunday


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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