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Want to know the Top Secret to Manifesting? It's knowing how to OWN your Magnetism.

I put together a 5 day Challenge called Magnetic Manifestation and it goes over How you can start learning how to own your Attraction Power, become more magnetic and learn my valuable Manifestation process for more Clarity, empowerment on your manifesting journey and ultimately start calling in what you truly want!

IT'S FREE TO JOIN TODAY, BUT Might be added to our paid products in the future, so Join while you can below:


What you can Expect to Learn:

 SELF- BELIEF Let’s go Back and Remember the Magic of Manifestation – It’s built on your Self-Belief. Do you Believe in Limitless Possibilities?

✨ GET INTO THE RAW TRUTH – Learn a New Way to Manifest that doesn’t focus on all the LOA fluff – let’s get into the MEAT of manifestation and get back to what actually works – I’m over it – are you?

✨ ACTIVATE YOUR MAGNETISM – Are you using your Emotions to Manifest alone so you can raise that vibration? Let’s End this now, that’s the slow path – and start Manifesting from your CORE Identity and unleash your Magnetism so you can accelerate your results


 MANIFESTING 1. 2. 3. – My Easy 5 step Process to Manifest Broken up day by day so you walk away with a WHOOSH of Awareness, knowledge and Intentions backed with Soul – so you go – OH MY this is possible. That is my Intention for you


 FUN CHALLENGES EACH DAY SO YOU GET YOUR MANIFESTING SUPERPOWERS ON! Bonus Soul work ( aka Actions & prompts to get you started)


BONUS CLARITY: If you do the work included, you’re bound to have more clarity than you walked in with on day 1. Enjoy! 


Who is Ashley Aliff, Mastermind behind The Awakened State?

Hey there, I’m Ash! I am an Empowerment Coach and manifestation expert founder of The Awakened State.net. Over the years I became obsessed with understanding the connection between Mind-body practices and applying it to Manifestation. This became the foundation of my entire work. 

After mentoring & studying on these topics for over 9 years, I understand the practical & energetic side to the Spiritual World. I also know that by merging the practical and the spiritual together, we can learn to embody & apply these concepts into our daily life, something I don’t always see in the spiritual community. It’s essential to heal by taking the Action, merging the energetic into our practical life.

I can teach you to shift energy, step into emotional empowerment, unlock your desires, nourish soul, activate your gifts and learn to heal your wounding that is keeping you stuck.

In my experience, I can teach you to Rise into your next level and expand your capacity to receive in your life.

If you’ve ever been someone who feels powerless over your energy, you feel overwhelmed due to your hypersensitivity, I completely understand! I was there too, but I also know we carry immense power to transform our lives from the inside out. It starts with you and your energy.

I am here to show you what is possible.

Can't wait to do this work together, Join us now in Magnetic Manifestation free above. In 5 days or less you'll be learning how to Own your Intuitive Magnetic Nature. Let's Go

🌈The Mind-Body Ritual Challenge is Open! Transform your Spiritual Practice