Hey Soul Tribe, today we're going to talk about one of my favorite mindset topics, The Abundance Mindset vs. The Scarcity mindset. The Question is: Are you living in a vibration of Abundance or a vibration of Scarcity? We're going into how you may be focusing more on the lack in your life without even realizing it and how we can create natural abundance easily by changing our mindset. Also I'm sharing a fun exercise to try out at the end!

Hey Soul Tribe, today we’re going to talk about one of my favorite mindset topics, The Abundance Mindset vs. The Scarcity mindset. The Question is:

Are you living in a vibration of Abundance or a vibration of Scarcity?

This is a concept that can seriously change your life as I often see this problem with so many people especially within the Spiritual Community. If you’re looking for the secret to a happier, more peaceful or even gentler life, all you need to do is open up to New Mindsets. The one in particular i’m talking about is learning to condition your mind to an Abundance Mindset. 

I recently saw a perfect example of this: There was this woman venting in a fb group about how she’s pushing her website marketing. She’s devoting day and night to her business, she was feeling like she doesn’t know how to get clients and most of all she was frustrated because the more she pushed her message onto others in a controlling way, the less traffic she was getting. She asked the group, what was she doing wrong?

It was perfectly obvious to me, she didn’t have the right mindset. She was focused on all the lack in her life. If we’re getting fixated on the validation, the numbers, or the things that aren’t there, all we’re seeing is the void.

When we get into this state of focusing on everything that we don’t have, we’re unconscious in a state of lack and victim due to fear.

Hey Soul Tribe, today we're going to talk about one of my favorite mindset topics, The Abundance Mindset vs. The Scarcity mindset. The Question is:  Are you living in a vibration of Abundance or a vibration of Scarcity?  We're going into how you may be focusing more on the lack in your life without even realizing it and how we can create natural abundance easily by changing our mindset. Also I'm sharing a fun exercise to try out at the end!

In the Scarcity mindset we’re always associating from the illusion of separation by believing there is never enough and there is only a limited supply available to us.

If we’re like the woman above, our vibrations give off a desperate, needy energy that feels like we’re trying to push too much to get a desired result. This mentality keeps us contracted, stuck and gets us to believe we’re only in a very limited reality.

In a limited reality you can only see what is right in front of you, instead of believing beyond what you can physically see.The Abundance that is always available to us.

This is why a scarcity mindset can bring a lot of unconscious pain, struggle and suffering.


  • You have energetic attachments. You overly attach to people, things or even outcomes.
  • You desperately Cling to Relationships or Control them
  • You create a pushy and needy energy – gotta gotta gotta get it done
  • You often are afraid to make investments or spend money due to fear.
  • You may have a fear of getting rid of things and have trouble letting go, hoarders anyone?
  • Always Jealous of what others have and you don’t
  • Holding a lot of  resentment especially over wealthy people or people who have more than you
  • You create a lot of Judgment, Negative Attack, Self-Attack, and trolling
  • Time is often your enemy
  • Comparisonitis – We compare ourselves to others, feeling we’re not good enough.
  • You feel inferior to higher brands, luxury stores or can’t even imagine being close to one.
  • You believe people are stealing energy from you or you are worried about others copying you
  • You are a miser when it comes to ideas, money or things
  • You fear change or dislike feeling uncomfortable if your routine is off.
  • You tend to merely settle for less than what you deserve.

The sole purpose of a Scarcity mindset is due to choosing  FEAR. We choose fear over the abundant universal supply of the universe.

When we’re in a scarcity mindset we tend to create an energy of contraction where we deflect people, materials, relationships or even money from appearing in our life.  This is all due to the feelings of limitation and lack we create through the illusion of separation.

The ego is most known for keeping us safe so if we believe something is separate from our reality, we’re creating a barrier of resistance from achieving the abundance. That ego will not want to cross the logic barrier that kepts us stuck. I’m telling you this is the real secret to stepping fully into an abundance mindset.

You must start believing beyond what you can see and trusting in the Divine Plan unfolding.

I’m here to tell you today, The Abundance Supply is always available to you because you are an Expansive, Infinite, Abundant, Awakened Co-creator of Reality!


In the Abundance mindset we can fully feel supported and guided by our highest good. Our Natural Abundance is an opportunity to go beyond the logic barrier (beyond what we can see) and step fully into faith over fear.

When we’re in a state of Natural Abundance, we know everything is working out for our success because the Universe desires for us to be happy and joyful. The Abundance mindset teaches us that there is no reason to fear because we are always being taken care of and fully supported.


  • We take leaps of faith knowing we will be taken care of regardless
  • We are often blessed and gifted by the Universe
  • Things often randomly appear in our lap like we’re “lucky”
  • We treasure taking investments in ourselves
  • We believe there is always enough
  • Make decisions through Faith rather than fear
  • We allow ourselves to be moved by our joy or have more fun
  • We trust in the universe to deliver and support us in all areas of our life
  • We have a prosperity mindset where we know there is always an infinite supply of money
  • We give openly and willingly
  • We see change as opportunity to grow and setbacks as lessons to expand our awareness
  • We DREAM BIG and become open to infinite possibilities
  • We don’t shotgun our goals, instead we stay open to expansion and possibilities.
  • We don’t see competitors, we see allies and networking collaborations
  • We know we are WORTHY and DESERVING
  • We Trust in the highest good of all & pray for the highest good of all.

I’m sure I could keep going but you get the idea. When we’re in a state of scarcity, we’re disconnected from a state of true power. Our divine connection to the universe!

When we’re in a state of abundance, we’re tapping into the God Supply which is infinite and always expanding for our Highest Good.

Let’s go a little bit deeper with this awesome video by Stefan James from Project Life Mastery. He goes into various scenarios how having a scarcity mindset can affect our relationships and all areas of our life.


Let’s Get Committed to live in an Abundance Mindset!

Abundance is not strictly about money it’s about the vibration and mindset of abundance. Start to appreciate the abundance you already have in your life,
maybe you have an abundance of food, toys, material possessions, clothes, or books.

You are Naturally Abundant.




Which beliefs are hindering my natural Abundance?


Start taking new actions to support your Abundance mindset.

Take time to focus on natural abundance instead of feeding the vibrations of scarcity.

The more you focus on the lack, the vibration of lack will continue to show up.
If you continue to focus on all the gratitude of natural abundance, you will begin aligning with the vibration of abundance.
An easy way to do this is check in with your feelings when you’re making a purchase:

Are you feeling fear, lack or guilt?

Are you feeling supported, blessed or prosperous?


Thank you universe for helping me activate my Abundance Mindset,
I allow my energy to open up to the divine plan and
reveal new opportunities to me through my natural abundance.


What is one thing you can do this week to live from
a Place of Abundance?
Share with us in the comments!


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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