Many times we come up with excuses for why we can’t meditate, practice yoga or even have spiritual practices. However Mindfulness is so easy just about anyone can start applying it today. Today’s Mindset Monday we’re going to talk about: How are you waking up in the morning? How can you start bringing more conscious development into your morning through being mindful? All you have to do is create your own Morning Ritual.

Mindfulness is probably the energy anthem I sing and work on applying to my own life daily.

Many times we come up with excuses for why we can’t meditate, practice yoga or even have spiritual practices. However Mindfulness is so easy just about anyone can start applying it today.

Today’s Mindset Monday we’re going to talk about:

How are you waking up in the morning?

How can you start bringing more conscious development into your morning through being mindful?

All you have to do is create your own Morning Ritual.


Ever heard the saying how you set up your morning is how you set up the rest of your life?

Well it’s actually pretty true.

Think about how your day transpires if you stub your toe first thing in the morning, it makes the whole day awful or if you set a positive intention first thing in the morning? The absolute opposite happens!

Now most people probably get up, check their phone/tablet, start coffee, eat breakfast, rush around and then get out the door. Or if they stay at home, they get up check their phone, start coffee, rush around and then work on their computer.

The same thing applies to a lot of us, we Rush around, instantly start our day on autopilot and fall into the routine of being ‘busy’ and rushed.

Often completely neglecting our present reality and being mindful of what we’re doing, what we’re putting into our bodies or even how we react in the morning.

Awhile back I started taking about two hours to be very mindful in my morning rituals.

I start by making my bed, instantly putting more order into my life even helps me sleep better. I never used to be a bed maker and sometimes I slip up but I do notice a difference.  Then I began taking my time in the morning by creating some mental discipline. I always make sure I nourish my body and my spirit.

  • I make & eat breakfast for the family before having coffee. Coffee naturally fills you up so if you have it before breakfast, you won’t get as much nutrition.
  • Then for about an hour or two depending on the day i’ll write, express gratitude in my journal or do some type of soul nourishing activity.
  • Finally I check my computer with my daily task list.

And surprise, I didn’t miss anything! I still have the whole day ahead of me.

The results were a game changer.


I suddenly felt more present, aware and especially calmer. What changed?

We need to make ourselves our Top priority. If my kids aren’t satisfied and I’m off in lala land trying to rush things, nothing gets done, and the results are always more stress in my day.

Instead of rushing around, instantly scrolling through social networks and emails where we pick up all these various frequencies and urgent notifications. I began focusing on my present reality, nourishing my body and especially being present with my kids first thing. This sets off my day in a positive light almost every time.

How you set up your morning is going to set the pace for your entire day.


It literally starts with putting yourself first before auto-piloting to email and social media. Especially as highly sensitive individuals seeing all these statuses, notifications, and obligations first thing in the morning sets our mind on fire with an urgency and overwhelmed feeling of emotional overload.

As someone who reads energy, if you’re picking up all these frequencies first thing you’re also absorbing a lot of extra energy we don’t necessarily need first thing in the morning. It starts our to-do list before we’re even out of bed and it’s become such a habit with many of us, that we don’t even realize how dependent we are from it first thing in the morning.

Your Mindset sets the energy for your entire day.


Guess what happens when you set up your mindset for an amazing day starting from the first few hours you wake up?

It makes you peaceful, present, calmer, less stressed and even happier.

Energetically I feel this is actually the result of us being more present in our bodies, we become more centered and aware of our conscious choices.

Thus creating better outcomes, more productivity and a more positive attitude which sets our day up for success. Granted not everyday has to be perfect or will be perfect (I  have demanding children I know how it gets 😉 ) but just giving yourself that space really can help you create more positive, subtle shifts in your daily life creating miraculous changes.


When I wake up in the morning usually at 6am, I don’t rush for coffee, my phone or the computer. I usually help my kids, then we make breakfast and eat together as a family. Then I pour a cup of coffee and do my gratitude journal. Sometimes I will add extra things such as writing mantras, positive intentions, or doing some creative free writing. You can also use this time to write questions to your higher self along with reading, exercise, or even meditating first in the morning.

In reality all that sounds nice on paper but it’s basically about making yourself your TOP PRIORITY to energetically check -in and re-align yourself.

I also find the more you nourish your spirit in that first window in the morning, it’s amazing for your energy!

It really doesn’t have to be so complicated, simplicity helps our energy thrive.

I usually base my mindful morning on three things:

1. Staying Connected to my Body
Unplugging, turning off notifications & moving the phone away from me

2. Taking a few hours for “me time”
even if that’s around other people in my house.

3. A Self- Care activity or a Soul Nourishing activity
like reading, exercise, writing, journaling, or even showering


Stay Mindful and present for roughly an hour or two of your morning. Eat a Healthy Breakfast before Coffee/Tea

Start your morning right by grounding with a healthy breakfast. Make and eat breakfast without staring at your phone, eatting at your computer or even just scrolling. Take Time to enjoy each bite and really be present with your body.

Become more mindful of your beautiful home, your surroundings and the people around you. We sometimes enjoy looking at the birds or squirrels first thing. Life with Toddlers. I also recommend getting outside if you can, if I had a porch i’d totally be outside for my journaling practice.

I never used to be a morning person until I had kids but then I had to either be a grump or learn to deal with mornings sometimes 5:30am (eek).

This is what I started doing for myself and mindfulness helps me get there easier.

Soul Takeaway: Mindfulness brings us present and aware of our bodies. Nourish & Center.STEP 2. CREATE A SOUL NOURISHING RITUAL

After you nourished your body, nourish your soul with a small ritual you can create each morning. Mine is my gratitude journal with mantras, positive intentions and creative writing practices. Sometimes I do Yoga or play with my kids. Another person might enjoy reading a few pages of a book, sketching, or daily exercise. I find it’s really not about making this a marathon but moreso creating these small subtle shifts that we start creating into new mindful habits within our life.

Soul Takeway:  Creating a daily ritual for our soul raises our vibes and helps create more positive choices. Creating Small, Subtle Shifts can move mountains in our life.


How can you reconnect to your soul?

It’s really important even if it’s 10-20 minutes to reconnect with your higher self and your inner universe. Also if I can’t find this time in the morning, I’ll push it to the evening. I  curl up on the couch with a book or some writing. Find that sacred time for you. That’s honestly how we can tune into our home frequency and reconnect with ourselves the most.

Soul Takeaway: Find your Home Frequency by “Me Time”. Nourishing our Soul allows us to reconnect to our Inner universe.


But I hear you, Ashley this sounds great and all but…

What do I do If I don’t have time?

Now If you have a set schedule,  you can get up earlier for yourself or set your mindful morning for 20 minutes of your day. You also can create an evening ritual that sets the pace for your subconscious to relax before bed. If I have a busy morning often I’ll make sure I have an evening ritual that night so I can still carve out that space.

It’s really about showing up for yourself in subtle, mindful ways.  This creates that breathing room to connect with our higher self. Normally this is what gets drowned out by our busy, stressful mornings.

If you’re often stressful, feel negative or plainly need some clarity, setting up a morning ritual will really help you reconnect with your Higher Self. That’s one thing I absolutely love about it and I actually find there is a hidden magic where I write the best in this little morning window.

 It creates space for clarity, intuitive inklings and deep insight that often gets pushed to the background  in-between all your daily commitments.

It’s time to commit to yourself!

I’d Love to hear about what are some of your own Morning Rituals?

Share them in the comments!

Many times we come up with excuses for why we can’t meditate, practice yoga or even have spiritual practices. However Mindfulness is so easy just about anyone can start applying it today. Today’s Mindset Monday we’re going to talk about: How are you waking up in the morning? How can you start bringing more conscious development into your morning through being mindful? All you have to do is create your own Morning Ritual.


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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