Mindsets have been a strong passion of mine so I decided to start something different on the blog, every Monday I'm going to share an empowered mindset lesson that will help you learn to raise your vibrations and embrace empowerment. This all started when I began trying an experiment I learned from the talented and wonderful hypnotherapist Marisa Peer. I watched this video(you can see it below) where she talks about the biggest disease that is affecting humanity is not eating disorders, depression, or anything like that. It's actually the mindset where we believe: WE'RE NOT ENOUGH. In this article we're sharing some inspiration to help empower your mindset towards self-worth. Enjoy!

Mindsets have been a strong passion of mine so I decided to start something different on the blog, every Monday I’m going to share an empowered mindset lesson that will help you learn to raise your vibrations and embrace empowerment.

Our mindset is the critical component of what creates the mental programs in our paradigm. It’s the placeholder that ties everything together that we experience.

If you realize that what your thoughts are really made from is basically your conditioned mind, this is the mindset you have grown up to accept from your childhood, family, friends and daily habits you’ve ingrained in your mind.

Your Paradigm is the mental program that is produced by your habitual behavior you’ve experience over the years.

This is what creates your paradigm as it is today, so the only way to start changing it is by working on what energy and mindset are you focusing on today. Every Monday we’re going to dive deeper into Mindsets and how to start empowering our reality through mindset. I will share inspirational videos, audios or other fun stuff I find to help you learn about the power of mindset.

This all started when I began trying an experiment I learned from the talented and wonderful hypnotherapist  Marisa Peer.  I watched this video(you can see it below) where she talks about the biggest disease that is affecting humanity is not eating disorders, depression, or anything like that.

It’s actually the mindset where we believe:



So she says create an experiment where you write the affirmation “I AM ENOUGH” in places where you can see it so you will be instantly reminded that you are worthy, lovable and enough.

What I decided to do was write mine in lipstick on my mirror just like she describes in the video.



My experiment began at the beginning of February and I kept a few extras such as writing it above my computer on a sticky note and I also wrote it a bunch of times in my gratitude journal. This really started impacting my life however subtle it was, I began noticing just little changes of awareness. Especially if I had a bad day, I walked into the bathroom and there was the affirmation I could repeat out loud to calm me instantly.

The Subtle Shifts I began to see:

I began to notice how my idea of worth started shifting a lot, I suddenly would question:

  • How was I giving back to myself on a daily basis?
  • Was I turning into an unconscious workaholic?
  • When was the last time I had real fun or simply relaxed?
  • Or How about when I last pampered myself or gave myself some nurturing?
  • When was the last time I read a book?

It then went deeper, I started doing more mindful practices which I mentioned in the newsletter. I began watching how new tools, experiences or even creative projects started shifting. I began attracting new books, audios or even videos into my new awareness lifting me up.

One huge thing is I stopped beating myself up for the smaller things like not meeting deadlines or finishing the to-do list. I realized how this was unconscious self-sabotage I created.

It also inspired something else a new-found confidence and drive to stop putting off my projects. I began to start shifting my mindset from “things are never getting done” to “Life is flowing with ease, because I’m worth it.”


Then the more I noticed this change, I realized it was also getting to my Love Adam, funnily enough because he also started changing how he viewed himself.

He decided to question his job and if he actually enjoyed it. He began job searching and going to new interviews. Then he also began investigating his wardrobe and realized he needed a cleaner look that is more professional and more his character.

This was interesting between the two of us I noticed we both:

  • Suddenly had a new-found confidence
  • Cared about taking care of our bodies, our clothes and our health
  • Began attracting things we enjoyed that aligned with us
  • Better Ideas and Creativity

and the list goes on, all this was because we decided to keep repeating “I AM ENOUGH”.


And this was just the start…because then I realized something else when I fell sick recently. I stopped looking at the mirror and forgot about this feeling. All those pesky negative thoughts came back, making me self-conscious or as if i’m not worthy. When I suddenly didn’t think I was worthy and wasn’t enough. It had the opposite effect where I began falling into old habits.

Then just the other day, I woke up, looked at the mirror and decided to say “you know today I feel healthy and i’m going to have an amazing day”

I decided to say “I am enough” and I stepped back to do less to heal. It felt amazing just owning my voice and realizing the power is in the mindset. If you don’t have that motivation, all you need to do is change your perspective.

The lesson of this story is that it’s so important to realize the mindset of YOU ARE ENOUGH.

You are worthy. So many of us believe we’re not worthy of success, love, relationships, money, freedom, time, or anything that feels out of our reach. All of this comes back to our mindset and how worthy we feel.

If we’re constantly in a state of “not feeling good enough” on any level, we’re doing ourselves a disservice.

Marisa Peer’s video goes over these points very well. It’s important to understand that your mindset is fueling your reality.

You can either fuel it hate or fear or you can fuel it love or joy.


We believe we’re not good enough, worthy enough, or we beat ourselves up for having a negative thought or reaction. We take the shame card or we’re harsh, hurtful or critical to our bodies.

Summarized from the video from Marisa Peer :

“Your Mind looks & Likes what is familiar & hates what is unfamiliar. Your Mind responds to what you tell it. So you have to make the unfamiliar, familiar.” – Marisa Peer

Teach yourself to let in praise, not criticism.

What Do you let in and what do you desire to stop letting in?

You gotta tell your brain what you want. Command to say.

I’m choosing this.

Command to the Universe. I’ve chosen this thought.

Change the picture of what you desire to see.

Anything that is negative will be unfamiliar

Anything that is positive start making really really familiar

Change the pictures to fearlessly tell your brain what you truthfully desire.

Today I’m choosing to feel great, sexy beautiful intelligent and amazingly successful.


I promise you if you tell yourself you are enough. You can have whatever you want.


I dare you to try this experiment. Pick a few areas of your home where you can write “I am enough”where you can see it

Here’s a few ideas:
write it on post-it notes,
in a notebook/journal you look at a lot,
on a mirror,
in your car,
whenever your soul hands out.

You can even leave little post-its of I am enough for others to find and see 🙂

Then watch how your life changes through empowering your mindset.


If you’d like to learn more about Marisa I recommend checking out some of her work or courses such as The UnCompromised Life. They’re transformational and empowering towards mindset and how we are viewing ourselves through our reality.For instance in her latest program she goes over how Confidence is actually created in the mind.

The difference between 99% of the ordinary population and the 1% achievers are 8 powerful, mental-model transformations giving instant results.

In Marisa Peer’s latest program The Uncompromised Life, she shares the exact reason why your road to success is paved with hard work and struggle, even when you have tried everything from goal setting techniques to execution strategies, productivity hacks, time management tricks and perhaps even personal coaching.

Click here for instant access to Marisa Peer’s breakthrough techniques: Check it out here


Mindset Monday - I am Enough. This all started when I began trying an experiment I learned from the talented and wonderful hypnotherapist Marisa Peer. I watched this video(you can see it below) where she talks about the biggest disease that is affecting humanity is not eating disorders, depression, or anything like that. It's actually the mindset where we believe: WE'RE NOT ENOUGH. In this article we're sharing some inspiration to help empower your mindset towards self-worth. Enjoy!

** Links on this post contain affiliate links, i’m a proud affiliate partner  for Mindvalley. I’ve personally used their programs and their insight helps you discover all types of different tools towards expanding consciousness.


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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