Hello Everyone I thought today we’d do a short and sweet post on the illusion of perfection when it comes to achieving our goals. I feel this topic can naturally fall into anyone’s lifestyle whether it’s relationships, diet, spirituality, or even just general goal settings. Our mindset dictates our habits however sometimes we get stuck in the process of fear due to the illusion of Perfection.

This comes back to understanding that instead of taking action, we obsess, overthink and tend to go into an unconscious cycle of repetition. In short we get stuck on the hamster wheel of chasing our goals because we are afraid due to the illusion of perfection.

We’re silently waiting for “One Day”

When we can create the perfect moment, establish ourselves first or even worst we don’t believe we’re qualified for the job because we’re not yet an expert.

Instead we wait. wait. wait and delay the process as much as possible.

Our energy becomes so stuck in the fear of moving forward that we tend to obsess about all the little details. Sometimes for days, weeks or even months!

In reality we’re afraid to really get started so we stay stuck in a energetic limbo of push and pull. Our mindset becomes obsessed with this unconscious illusion of perfection. In a world of instant gratification, instagram filters, photoshop and celebrities. Our Society is naturally obsessed with perfection and the feeling of being perfect.

I read this on a fb status and thought it was perfect (pun intended 😉 ).

“We all compare our backstage to everyone else’s opening night.”

In reality it’s only when we’re our natural, raw, stumbling when we walk selves that really show us – we ALL have a behind the scenes picture of our life. However most of us only see our “Opening Night” reality, the polished version that is illustrated with perfection.

Then we end up feeling bad about ourselves because our reality isn’t as great as so and sos on facebook or twitter. This is an absolute illusion we create through the idea of perfection and not learning to honor our true self. In life that contrast is what makes us uniquely human and naturally ourselves.

That Contrast from the resistance  is what is showing you the general expansion of your life. We actually need that constrast to understand:

What is working, what isn’t and what can I learn to let go?

Contrast creates the transformation necessary towards expanding our life direction and inevitably creates course correction.


I always like to come back to this analogy, can you imagine if a baby suddenly gave up walking every time he fell down?

No you have to get back up again and start over. Otherwise how else would we learn?

In life we’re all just stumbling and working on figuring it out along the way, that’s how we naturally grow. Therefore when we feel we need to be perfect and 100%, we’re chasing the illusion of perfection which isn’t real. It’s nothing but noise in our life that we aren’t honoring our true self.

Our minds are like calculators, you give them something to do and then they can truly start making progress. However when we stay in the hamster wheel chasing perfection, we keep going backward and revisiting our past.

We are reacting from a place of fear rather than showing up for ourselves.

It’s better to start embracing we are all a…WORK IN PROGRESS

None of us are perfect and it’s honestly really silly to think that anyway because we all are imperfectly perfect in our own unique ways.

The more we slip into this comparing, over-analyzing, or even narrowing our target down to a specific person or idea. We forget about the limitless abundant power of the universe flowing through us. When we allow our energy to open up to the creative possibilities, our narrow perception of “perfect” might be something even more incredible that we didn’t even see or realize until it suddenly happens!

That’s the power of the universe flowing through you.


Behind the illusion of perfect, our mind can become determined to wait for “one day” which leaves us constantly chasing our goals to be happy. It’s like the person who can’t wait to go on vacation only to find once they’re there, they are literally thinking of their next vacation.

I had this moment in the shower recently, usually showers are my sacred time to just be “Ashley” without commitments. Where I realized I was thinking about all these things I needed to do, make dinner, complete my ecourse, wash the kids, and Then i realized – wait a minute why don’t I just focus on enjoying my shower and being here right now? All that stuff will get done when necessary – but this is my sacred time.

Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget about our sacred time for ourselves. Being present with ourselves and our own frequency. Just sitting in our own energy without needing:

Daily commitments
To-do lists
or what’s on the agenda today?

Embracing that divine feminine flow within our lives is the secret miracle worker that we need to connect with to hook up with the universe inside of us.

Stop waiting for the perfect time waiting for the future and instead start creating that sacred time for yourself right now.

We need to start now.

“Start and the pressure will be off”

Take the wheel back now and enable your daily joy! Start bringing yourself into that flow and the happiness will become you.

Once you get yourself back into alignment with your home frequency, everything will start falling into place and the universe will fill in the extra gaps along the way.

The fact is we don’t need to be perfect we just need to accept that we are all works in progress along the way.


This soul homework is about honoring yourself. When was the last time you truly honored yourself?

Treat yourself and do something completely for you. Give yourself a self-date.

Rest & Relaxation.
Do something Fun for yourself.
Make Art.
Watch a feel-good movie that makes you happy
Create a fun music playlist that lifts you up
Enjoy just sitting in the sunshine
Be patient and gentle to yourself

Be in the moment fully instead of wishing you need to get x,y,z done.

Stop beating yourself up and learn to be patient with yourself.

Being gentle to ourselves is probably the hardest thing but it’s truthfully the most critical for your personal well-being.

Because it shows you every bit of darkness helps us learn to shine and awaken our true selves, even if we’re feeling stuck hiding in the dark.
You’re still shining from the inside out because you and everyone on this planet is made from stars.

Don’t forget to let your light keep shining

Hello Everyone I thought today we'd do a short and sweet post on the illusion of perfection when it comes to achieving our goals. I feel this topic can naturally fall into anyone's lifestyle whether it's relationships, diet, spirituality, or even just general goal settings. Our mindset dictates our habits however sometimes we get stuck in the process of fear due to the illusion of Perfection. This comes back to understanding that instead of taking action, we obsess, overthink and tend to go into an unconscious cycle of repetition. In short we get stuck on the hamster wheel of chasing our goals because we are afraid due to the illusion of perfection.


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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