Let’s Talk about the dreaded writer’s block and what to do when you have no motivation!

You know when you’re a weird mood, going through the motions and it just feels like it’s hard to get motivated?

When you’re in a funk, everything feels a little bit “off” and you can’t place your finger on what it is…This feeling of lack of motivation, discouragement and in general a feeling of overwhelm seems to take over you.

In some ways you’re not really sure what you feel guided to do, the confusion actually makes it harder to focus.

So this case of writer’s block gets a bit bigger than what you meant it to be. And suddenly you’re off of your A game, you stopped committing, you fell into a rut and now you’re feeling stuck.

We often feel immense overwhelm because our energy is scattered and therefore so is our point of attraction – our focus.

However, what we have to see is that Overwhelm is simply resisting what is. And what we’re actually feeling – when we get stuck, feel discouraged, or have a ton of lack of motivation is simply RESISTANCE.

This feeling of being stuck is an illusion, this feeling of lack of motivation is an illusion – because underneath all of it – is you not willing to push harder through the resistance to get to the other side.

So often we find ourselves giving up, fearing failure or falling into cycles of self-sabotage but what we’re actually doing?

We’re not willing to sit down in the chair long enough to WAIT for the DROP – To wait for the moment where we can push past our own fear, our own anger even our own doubt and SURRENDER fully to the pathway unfolding in our mists.

As we let that lack of motivation keep us in ideas full of doubt or inaction, We fall into a cycle of unconscious excuses that are mirroring a fear of change.

“Well i just don’t feel like it today”

“I don’t think i have the energy for this,”

“this is just too overwhelming so i guess I’ll do nothing”

“do i really have what it takes?”

“I’m not sure i can do this, i just can’t”

“I just need more focus…more clarity…more time…more space to figure this out”

All of this is underpinning the simple realization that Lack of Motivation, doubt, insecurity and inaction is simple one thing:

NOISE – Noise from the Resistance to Change.

And our job is to call it out for the bullshit it truly is and remember who we truly are – The funk you’re in – it’s just showing you, you’re afraid of change. Completely normal, it’s human.

But once identified? LET’S GO.

The only way out is thorough – so are you willing to be patient enough to allow the emotion to disburse and YOU to be pulled by soul, by higher self anyway and move forward anyway or will you succumb to the noise?

Whenever we feel an immense lack of motivation, where we feel stuck, and just lost?

It’s time to pivot, change direction and recognize that your Ego is simply BORED and demanding change. That’s truly all that is and the more we recognize that – we start to take away its power over us.

This feeling of being in a ‘dry spell’ or a plateau or any feelings where you feel deep in the trenches of the ILLUSION, you must recognize it is simply an illusion.

There is always a new perspective to drop into, there is always wisdom to guide you within, and there is always a moment of energetic redirection where you can actively choose to SHIFT your energy.

That is how truly powerful you are.

So you may say you don’t have the energy today, you may say you can’t do it – but what i know?

Higher self always will show you HOW to do it – so really this lack of motivation we’re feeling?

There is always a way out of being stuck

Being Stuck is merely an illusion of the ego, of the mind and our job is to ALLOW the Drop so you can simply ride it out and allow flow to kick in anyway.

Because that is the moment where you just dissolved the past into the present and became one with the FLOW of Life again.

The question is, are you willing to be patient in the discomfort to surrender fully to Drop in to SOUL or will you continue to say you’re stuck?

The true job is to the push past the veil of resistance so deeply your excuses suddenly dissolve and disappear in your path.

That is when you have truly shifted your energy.

As I explain deeper in the Vlog this week, I was recently feeling caught up in a funk and I decided to talk about it on this week’s youtube episode. Let’s go deep into what it’s like when you have writer’s block, an immense lack of motivation and what you can start to do about it!

This is a perfect conversation if you’ve every found yourself losing your spark, skipping your workouts, flaking out on your spiritual practice or simply having a hard time with habit building.

Let’s kick eachother’s booties back into ACTION 😉

Let’s talk about it! I’d love to start a discussion on this topic in the comments, do you have trouble with lack of inspiration and motivation? This is an area that is focused a lot on Shifting our mental state and learning how to shift energy from the inside out.

Sometimes even I need a nice dose of my own medicine!

I hope this topic deeply serves you

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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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