I have a special treat today!

I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Podcast Joyride. It’s an online radio show that is hosted by Kerry and Tiffanie. They’re Metaphysical Moms who talk all things spiritual. Each week they feature an episode with various holistic topics, guests and lots of cosmic inspiration for every inner mystic . We had a lot of fun together, It felt basically  like hanging out & having a nice teatime chat with two good friends. They’re lovely people and it was truly an honor to be on the show.

We dove into all sorts of fun topics connecting to Kundalini Awakening & my own personal experiences.


I’m very excited to share with you through my own voice, my real awakening story and how I came to discover energy. We also went much deeper into  the awakening process, what happens during the early stages & why we experience these profound shifts in consciousness.

I’m also really grateful to share a bit of vulnerablility in how psychedelics truly changed my life. This used be a topic that I was uncomfortable with sharing mainly because of people judging or in general our misconceptions on Drug experiences relating to spirituality.

I share with sincerity that encountering these particular headspaces are a big part of my Awakening and what catapulted me into this journey. I feel like sharing and talking about it because it means a lot to me to reveal my own story and how The Awakened State was truly born.

Also If you listen, I share a bit of a teaser on my new ecourse i’m making right now called The Awakening Path.

It’s a 9 module ecourse where we’re going to create a mindset map of soulwork through healing and manifesting techniques. I’ve been nurturing this concept for some time and now I feel i’m ready to bring it to the world 🙂

Enjoy the Listen and I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!


 My Personal Awakening Story & the Birth of the Awakened State

icon-star Some of the Beginning Symptoms we experience once we start awakening

icon-star How mental illness or dissociation connect to the Dark Night of the Soul

icon-star Psychedelics as tools of the Inner Mind

icon-star What Is Ego Death and What happens?

icon-star Is the Awakening always difficult or can it be a gentle process?

icon-star The Core Root of what is an Awakening

icon-star Teasers on the Awakening Path 9 Module Ecourse planning for launch in spring

icon-star Why do we experience Ego?

icon-star Numerology


Kerry and Tiffanie are lovely women, they even wrote their own musings on Kundalini Awakening, which you can read about in this week’s Blog post here about this episode.

You can Listen & Subscribe to the Joyride Podcast every week
1. Click here to listen to the podcast on iTunes (thru Feb 28, 2017)
2. Click here to listen to the podcast on Google Play Music (thru Feb 28, 2017)
3. Listen to Radio Brave (Or via the free TuneIn Radio app)

On Wednesday Feb 8 at 9AM (Central) / Thursday Feb 9 at 8PM (CST)  / Sunday Feb 12 at 2PM (CST)


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One Response

  1. So glad to hear your voice So Interested in your experience
    i most like your love story and
    the fact that it IS an evolution of the Soul and something Scientist will never Understand until the open their minds

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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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