Blessed Solstice loves. I felt called to write today as Yule is one of my favorite marks of the entire year. It is most definitely a time to reflect, recharge, slow down, cleanse and renew! This year I thought I’d share some of my favorite Solstice rituals I have gathered throughout the years & some new ones! I’m all about the rituals 😉

Energetically The Solstice marks a beautiful time of Rebirthing the Light.

It is the return of the light.

I know we have readers all around the globe and i’m so grateful for that but for this article I’m going to focus on the Winter Solstice. 🙂

(btw I think it’s really cool that some people celebrate christmas in the middle of the summer – that would feel so bizarre for me, I live in chicago, I am used to the cold cold cold lol)


If you’re not familiar with The wheel of the year this is a special time  where The Goddess transforms into the Great Mother and gives birth to the new Sun King. This is an empowering energy where we celebrate the light of the world and the spark of hope that rebirths the light.

In a beautiful symbolic sense, the turning of the wheel represents the old cycle is ending and the new cycle is going into the underworld to rest and be reborn in the light of Spring. 

I love that symbolism.

This means the Solstice gate contains a powerful energy portal or stargate where we are literally rebirthing the light of the world. It is marked as a day of celebration for the coming year.

It is also a wonderful time to set up intentions and new resolutions! naturally…

Solstice brings a shift that will open a portal of pure light and new energy cascading in. It’s actually the solstice gate that aligns us for what we need to start seeing into the new year. This is bringing in a lot of closure which is why so many of us may be experiencing mixed emotions as we let go and close out loose ends.

The Solstice is the longest night of the year, where the days of light start becoming longer and the Goddess retreats to rest in the underworld until spring. This is the birth of the return of the light or the rebirth of the Sun God.

Symbolically Winter is a deep period for retrospection, looking within and confronting ourselves.

It can be a very vulnerable energy because it opens up the various layers of ourselves we don’t always want to see but need to for growth. The Solstice is a beautiful energy to help bring in change, growth and enlightenment towards the coming year.

If you’re feeling off, slowing down or just wanting to stop. It’s totally normal.

We’re yearning to go more inward, reflective and contemplating in our own cocoon.   The solstice energy brings us inward deeper and deeper into our cocoon where we cultivate that new energy, rest, recharge and BAM we grow some wings 🙂


This is a great energy to reflect and really focus on what is the next direction for your soul. Here are some fun rituals to start powering you up for the new year.


One of my favorite things to do every solstice is to do a special Solstice tarot spread that marks the turn of the cycle. This can be as simple as getting out your favorite oracle deck or doing a celtic cross. Asking: What are the messages I need for this upcoming cycle? or “Higher Self, What are the themes coming forward during this new cycle?”


Sometimes the simplest medicine is the best medicine. Spend some time meditating on Solstice by doing a light bath meditation. Breathe deeply inhaling and exhaling through the nose a few times. Visualize your entire body all the way down to your toes bathing in golden light. Ask your guides to fill in the energy with whatever you need and bath in the Golden Light of Source for a nice relaxing ritual on the day we rebirth the light!


With a full moon on Solstice this is an excellent opportunity to do a Fire Ritual!

Create a Fire Ceremony where you write down the things you wish to release for the upcoming year. Write down individually or do it in a group where you go around the fire, dropping it in and releasing what you wish to let go and surrender.   I personally have done this ritual in the past while we were camping and the effect was really magical. It definitely shifted a lot of energy we were blocking, we ended up moving to an entirely different state literally afterwards. So I wholeheartedly recommend trying this one.

( Side Note: If you don’t have a firepit or fireplace, burn the paper in the sink for safety.)


I found this fun exercise on accident from Clare Murchison of Refreshing Minds, I personally like this one because self-care is something I work on all the time. It’s a fun exercise to do if you’re an over-giver like me 🙂

She mentions:

“Write down some little goals and some little treats for yourself on slips of paper and each day pick one at random and then either treat yourself to that hot chocolate with cream or to 30 minutes curling up with a book or time spent achieving one of your mini goals to move yourself forward.”


One thing I personally like to do at the end of the year is do some hardcore reflecting & Detaching. I’m going to go over this next week with my end of the year article. But I start by Asking myself powerful questions:

– where have I been giving away my power this year?
– What hasn’t been working? What has been working successfully?
– What truly lit me up this year that I’d like to get stronger at next year?

Then I go into some Intention Setting with my powerful soul mapping process.

-How do you desire to feel?
– What do you desire to co-create in your life?
– What can you do to nurture yourself more?
– What empowering self- worth rituals can you add to your daily routine to empower and support you in your day to day life?

The Majority of us are starting to get into this pumped up ‘let’s make shit happen in 2019’ energy but a lot of the time we’re half-assing vision boards and not truly getting clear with what we ACTUALLY want.

I enjoy Vision boards but I feel like the approach can be very half- ass and what it does is it puts your energy all over the place and trying to manifest 100 things at once LOL.

The Subconscious actually freaks out about this because it’s like creating from a very scattered energy.

It’s way more powerful to start focusing on your VISION and what you desire to co-create within your life – rather than just like flipping through pages finding a picture that feels good and slapping it on a board.

So start to ask yourself: What is important to you? What do you value for your life? What would you unapologetically desire for your life?
and so forth. Dig deep into your Visioning process and THEN you can create your Vision board that accompanies it 🙂


There’s something about this time of year that really gets me in that ‘warm fuzzy’ feeling. This is truly a time to reflect, slow down and recharge.

It’s a time to reflect on all the progress you’ve made, too many of us live in the hustle so much that we don’t take the time to slow down and reflect on all the good life is offering us.

A simple solstice ritual is merely to reflect and journal on appreciating the progress you’ve made this year. Celebrating our Victories both big ones and small ones can be an amazing way to end the year on a high note. Even if we didn’t accomplish all we set out to do, there’s divine timing and this or something better to always look forward to.


Finally my favorite and last ritual is to do an annual decluttering! One of my things is I like to do a decluttering ritual every season at the very least.

When we Declutter we’re releasing stagnant energy that is holding us back. It is time to let go of the old cycle and embrace the new!

Begin to Look at the areas of your life that need decluttering:

– Your Relationships
– Your Inbox
– Your Computer
– Your Closet
– Your Living Space
– Your Personal Development
– Spiritual Development

Release what isn’t serving, what isn’t necessary anymore and ask I mentioned: Start cutting out the noise, the distractions and find your way back  to your center & personal power!


This is a nice cozy energy to curl up with cup of coffee and Ask yourself: Where were you energetically, spiritually and even physically this same time last year? 

What have you accomplished this year? How have you grown?

And what are you intentions for the next year?

Living life with Intentionality can change the trajectory of our life. Stay tuned for next week’s article where I’ll go deep into Intention setting and share my favorite process for starting the New Year!

Most of all have tons of self-appreciation for all your life’s accomplishments, you deserve it!

Cheers to rest & relaxation. Warm cozy blankets and big sweaters. Divine Blessings and holiday miracles. Drinking lots of hot chocolate and spending time with your loved ones. If you live on the other side of the planet, soak up the sun for me!  

I wish you a very magical holiday season filled with blessings!

I’m off to glitter some pinecones for our tree 🙂


What are some of your own favorite Solstice Rituals? Share them in the comments with me!


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I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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