Awakened Beginnings: tapping into the energy world - The Awakened state. Beyond this material world is a ethereal realm of Energy, thought, and vibration. Physics has taught us that we are not merely physical beings in a material world but the opposite, energy beings creating a material reality. How do we see and feel energy? Here are some techniques to try!

This is part 2 of our Awakened Beginnings Series:
Part 1    Signs We’re Starting to Wake up
Part 2    {You are Here} Tapping into the Energy World
Part 3    How to Talk to Higher Self
Part 4    Opening the Heart to Freedom
art 5  icon-star  Making Peace with The Past
Part 6  icon-star  Why is 11:11 Haunting Me? 
Part 7  icon-star  The Universe Has Your Back
Part 8  icon-star  The 15 Levels of Awareness

Beyond this material world is a ethereal realm of Energy, thought, and vibration.

Physics has taught us that we are not merely physical beings in a material world but the opposite, energy beings creating a material reality.

What we see around us is roughly 99.9999999% of empty space, what we physically can see is only about 1% of our actual reality.

That means everything that we are, first exists in the energetic realm which eventually condenses down through the change in density and manifests into matter. Basically if you look up everything you see is energy.

This realization is life-changing!

Energy is all around us, while it is often a very subtle system, it is the container of our environment.

Everything comes back to energy, thought and vibration. These three ingredients create the reality you exist in,

You are an energy being.

Awakened Beginnings: tapping into the energy world - The Awakened state. Beyond this material world is a ethereal realm of Energy, thought, and vibration. Physics has taught us that we are not merely physical beings in a material world but the opposite, energy beings creating a material reality. How do we see and feel energy? Here are some techniques to try!


Often I get asked the question: “What is wrong with me, why can’t I feel energy?”.

First off don’t get discouraged, this is actually very common to not see or feel energy at first. Mainly because it is a very subtle system.

When you’re awareness starts growing, this expansive system grows with you. Eventually you begin to see and feel energy, the more you are open to the experience of it.  For instance, I was interested in energy through wicca way before I ever started seeing or feeling energy. This didn’t come until later.

The belief alone will take you farther than you imagined.


There are some really simple techniques to start feeling energy such as these two.

  • 1. Friction release – Take a few moments and rub your hands together vigorously. When you’re ready stop, put your palms facing out and feel the sensation coming off of your palms. If you did it long enough, you should feel a tingling sensation. You may also feel a heat coming off your hands due to the friction.Congratulations you just felt energy!
  • 2. Frequency Flow – Spend a few minutes doing long deep breathing through the nose. Pranayama style. Close your eyes and bring your focus to the central forehead. Pick a color, how about blue.Then feel your body change slightly. You should start to feel a vibration from head to toe. By picking a color we’re able to tune our frequency a bit. A fun trick with this is to focus on a feeling which is what i’m going to teach you below.


Now being able to see energy is slightly harder but with practice you’ll be a pro in no time.

Seeing energy will come across as mind blowing if it’s your first time. It’s like a POP! Here’s this secret world you’ve been missing.

Seeing energy varies, it can show up in numerous forms:

  • colors
  • energy orbs
  • streaks of light
  • light flashes
  • swirls of light across the sky
  • tracers or after-images {auras around objects}.

The first time I saw energy I was studying a philosophy book and suddenly out of the corner of my eye was a bright glowing blue orb, clear as day sitting across from me. I felt amazed, confused and bewildered at what I just experienced. At the time I was beginning to study chakras so this was fascinating, making me stop and question everything. I was able to feel energy as a vibration but I never seen it before this experience.

So you may be able to “Feel” energy before you can see it but if you can feel it, you can definitely learn to see it. Everyone can if they put their mind to it.

The easiest way to start opening up your awareness is by working on your chakras and going within. However sometimes people just begin seeing energy out of the blue too. Some people can see energy but not realize it’s energy. They will label it as ghosts or spirits. When in reality it’s their energy body they are seeing.


1.  Put your hand on a piece of  clear white paper – you could also try an object but i find the hand works the easiest. Begin focusing on each finger in a loop. repeatedly. You may see a glimmer, white snow, or even a pixalation starting to appear, if you focus long enough you may even see a color.

2. Spend some time Cloud watching – If you’re able to get outside try staring at the clouds. If we stare at them for a few minutes, you can start to see the energy of them. They usually look like swirly orbs of energy seeping in and out of the sky. You can also try that with the sky itself, many report that you can see geometries if you look at it just the right way 😉

If you’re having problems with the techniques, be gentle to yourself. It does take time, the more you’re open towards the focus you will begin feeling it and hopefully seeing it too.


For a final Exercise, I’m going to try something totally new so be easy on me lol. I thought we’d do a guided visualization. This is a walk-through to connect to your energy on a daily basis. If you’re ever feeling lost, confused, or doubting yourself doing this exercise is a great mood booster.

It helps bring us back to source energy.  It also helps us tune in to our own frequency and play a little in our energy field.

Trying an experiment, if you like this type of learning, please let me know 🙂

Here is the transcript in case something got lost in translation:

Close your eyes.  Breathe in and release. Now again Breathe in and release. Breathe in and let go of it all.

Allow your body to relax and let go of all the current noise. Bring your focus upward by lifting your head up.

Feel yourself bathed in light, connect to this light, feel it, sense it, embody it and see the light growing.

Expanding and filling up your entire body with this source of light. This light is made of peace and source energy.

Now feel it expanding above your head and pulsating out from your arms, your legs, your heart, your stomach, into your hands and all the way down to your feet. Your body is flowing with this divine golden light.

Now imagine this energy like a liquid, smoothing out your aura. Taking away all the rough edges, smoothing away your troubles and worries. The source of this light is relaxing, gentle and removing all your worries.

We’re going to expand it into the entire room we’re in, Feel your energy sending out a ripple  into the walls of the room. If there’s more noise, keep going. Expanding the energy further consuming your entire house bathed in light.

It feels like a bubble of light is surrounding you now. We’re going to take that energy and go deeper into the earth.

We’re going to bring that energy further into the roots of the earth. Feel the golden energy expanding. Deeper and deeper into the center of the earth.

It should feel very peaceful at this point. While we’re in this space, i like to tune my channels to a set vibration.

We’re going with peaceful living. Let’s imprint this energy ripple with peaceful living.

Now that we’re connect to source – fill that energy with the vibration of peace. What does peace feel like to you?

A calm beach? Waves. salt water. cool breeze. Visualize what peace feels like to you.

Then take that feeling and ripple the light out into the room again. Your room is filling with peace energy. All your worries, anxiety and stress are melting away into the earth where they are neutralized. Repeat five to ten times.

I am peaceful living.

Feel free to connect further in this space, try to talk to your guides or higher self. it will be easier in this state to hear them.

Thank you for this session.

Next Article we’re going into How to connect and communicate with your Higher Self


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I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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