As we close out the end of the year, i’m sure many of you are thinking about your goals, your intentions and your vision for next year.
One thing I’ve continously learned about manifestation is something I learned from my previous coach, who is a brilliant woman in the online space. I believe in giving credit where credit is due.
She said, What you see inside of you is REAL and it is available for you now.
and that’s the truth 😉
think about that, Your desires were not given to you on accident!
They were given to you for a reason, Your Desires are safe guidance. Your soul desires are shown to you so you become them, acknowledge them and walk them out into the planet.
They are and always will be meant for you.
But will you choose them and accept they are meant for you?
The deep soul longings and desires of your heart – they are NOT going to go away, They just keep getting louder and louder until you start answering them.
Because they are a part of you for a reason, they are a part of your next level’s form of growth and evolution.
Here’s a secret to manifesting that often gets misunderstood – When you set an intention – It doesn’t magically go away….
You activated a vibration in your magnetic field of consciousness.
You hit PLAY on your movie – Now you’re going to be on that pathway, that desire is not going away from you, you’re now on the pathway of becoming it.
The only reason you DONT have it yet, is you’re still in the process of ‘becoming’ who you need to be to receive it – THATS IT.
But it is NOT going away, it is not something that you shrug off, hope for and wish for santa to bring you –
No it’s a part of you,
It’s being activated from within you,
Your desires WANT to come to form. What you see inside of you as your deepest vision and soul longing of your heart do exist for you.
the real journey is ACCEPTING they exist for you.
And choosing to be the person who accepts it exists for them as already true and real.
I think that’s really the hardest part sometimes
It’s definitely easier to complain about why we don’t have something, VS – entertaining the idea that we could just simply have it.
That would mean – our ego is silenced and we get what we want?
That would mean – No matter how big a dream it could come true?
That would mean – No matter the excuses – they are no longer valid because your dreams are bigger than your bullshit conditioning?
Talk about a mind- fuck
We can talk all day about how to heal shit, dissect our wounds and dig for limited beliefs that are taking us out –
BUT I find it way more fun and way more empowering to ask yourself, But WHO WOULD I BE,
When all that is done and dusted?!
When i’m on the other side of that healing, I’ve fully ended the journey of letting go of that chapter of past self, Who would i be then?
Isn’t it obvious?
I would be taking action from feeling more than enough to have the desires of my heart.
I would be ACCEPTING they exist for me with a full exhale of trust and relief.
I would trust myself I know the right actions to take.
I would feel guided by the visions of my heart and trust I can take the right steps forward.
I would be releasing the misaligned habits and shedding off those beliefs one by one that doesn’t serve where i’m going,
I would BE ME.
All of me.
Because The real letting go is Accepting it exists fully for you –
and until you realize that – the desire, the soul longing will NOT go away, because it’s yours, it’s meant to be yours, it’s always meant to be yours – it wouldn’t be shown to you if it wasn’t FOR you.
And God, Higher Self, Universal Forces of Good want to help you get there,
But you must admit it to yourself first,
It exists for me.
It does get to be mine.
Life gets to be good. I get to have it all.
The desire will not go away, it just gets louder and louder and louder, like a child who doesn’t have their needs met
It says, Why are you NOT paying attention to me? Don’t you see we have needs, we have work to do?
Why are you neglecting me?
What is absolutely devastating to me is How many people would rather live with their desires and dream stuffed inside of them, never seeing the light of day just because they simply didn’t realize,
They could have them come true.
That is the true power and evidence of Belief.
The real journey is not about Starving your Soul of it’s desires by constantly restricting yourself and asking yourself what others want from you
The Real Journey is Stepping into
Believing in Yourself,
Learning to Trust yourself and your Intuition,
Accepting your desires exist for you,
and most importantly,
Being on the other side of the Identity,
Where what you most desire, long for and ultimately want is already done in the energetic realm
So the real question becomes:
how willing are you to Let go and step into Becoming all that you see inside of you as real?
That’s the REAL VISION unfolding
before your eyes,

IMPORTANT – ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT: DONT MISS THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR! 4 Days Left for the Holiday Sale – Receive Select Courses at 50% off, This sale closes officially on the 18th at midnight!
If there’s been a course you’ve been eyeballing, this is the time to grab it to start your New Year off with Success!
Let’s do Things differently Next Year!
Here’s a little preview Showcase:
Courses being Offered at Discount 50%:
>> Energy Management Toolkit:
Ready to Learn How Energy Actually Works so you can Reclaim your Power? It’s Time to END Over-Active Empathy and Learn to Reclaim your Personal Power by understanding your Energy with your own personal Energy Management Toolkit!
The Energy management Toolkit is an Audio course to put in your back pocket designed to help you Dismantle Resistance, Remove Blocks, and Become Reconnected to your Spiritual Power. This is a Powerful Toolkit that you can use again and again to quickly raise your vibration and let go of resistance.
>> Soul Nourishment Bootcamp:
Get your Kick ass commitment plan to Soul with this 5 week daily Dose of soul Work Bootcamp. Learn how to Reconnect to Higher self, own your self-worth, Replenish Yourself, Manifest from soul alignment and unlock your Soul’s highest purpose with this Next Level Conversation with your Soul.
>> Daily Habits, Daily Flow with the chakras Masterclass: transcend your chakra practices with this mindset Dive into Chakra work practices. Learn how to Build Daily habits and daily flow with your chakra system for ultimate Mind-body healing success. Featuring over 26 habits and rituals to choose from: Learn how to Empower your Money Mindset, Emotional Intelligence, Solar Plexus Drive, Strengthen your Intuition & Self-belief with this unique masterclass on taking your chakra game to the next level.
>> Ascension workshop:
Recently Released! Get Over Your misaligned Symptoms, Negative Patterns & Step into More Freedom, Flow & Emotional Empowerment With the Ascension Workshop.
A 2 Hour Workshop designed to start teaching you How to Rapidly Apply Your Intuitive Gifts & Release the struggle of navigating Ascension symptoms. So You can Tap into Strengthening your Intuition, Step into More Certainty and Embody Your Higher Self. It’s time to get over your Negative b.s. that are standing in the way of your Desires, dreams, and goals.
>> Heart Awakening: Heart Chakra Workshop:
Let’s Crack Open Your Heart Chakra for FULL ON RECEIVING. Step into Love, Own your Self-Worth and Expand Your Receiving capacity with the Heart Chakra. Drop the Crystals & Oils – We’re going Heavily into the Energetic Roots of the Heart Chakra.
Join me on a Journey into the Portal of Your Heart Chakra –
Where we shall go into the workings of What makes the Heart Expand, soften, and Open up towards more Love, Abundance, Receiving, and changes the dynamics in our relationships,
Not just romantic relationships but every relationship we have with life itself,
Unblock the Sabotage to Allow in the flood of Receiving
Release the unconscious blocks around your Heart to fall deeper and deeper into
Your unapologetic Desires
Open up the Gates of ALLOWING & ACCEPTING IN
As you crack your own code of Giving and Receiving in your Life
>> Empower the Chakras self-study: Learn a Crash course on the chakras with our signature original program Empower the chakras. Learn how chakras work, what mindset work helps your chakras, emotional mind-body healing techniques, Psychological and practical exercises to help you heal, strengthen and empower your chakra system.
>> Awaken your Aligned vision:
New Year Visioning Workshop – Get Your Manifesting Game Plan for the New year. Learn how to accelerate your Intentions by creating a Master Vision. Get my insider secrets on goal setting, Intention practices, Quarterly & Monthly manifestation work, How to Set up an Easy Manifesting Process and so much more!
>> Lightworker Activation Bundle: Receive over 15 Value Packed Trainings designed to teach out how to immediately have a Quantum Leap Perspective shift on Energy Awareness: Transcend the doubt & sabotage – It’s time to build your life, Lightworker
(Valued over $1997)
You can read more about each course at the link below.
All course offered are digital home-study courses done at your own pace. Grab one or Grab a bundle with the Coupon Code HOLIDAY at Check out.
Select Courses are 50 % off at Full price with the Coupon Code. these prices are crazy good for this time of year. this is the biggest sale of the season at The awakenedstate.
This is just our way of saying Thanks for supporting The Awakened State over the years.
Wishing you all a happy holiday Season!
Remember all these Holiday treats are expiring officially on the 19th! Then they all go back to their regular price.
If you’re feeling the call, i wouldn’t wait…
Dive into the gift Guide below:

- How to Add Mindfulness to Your Busy Life (Even When You’re Overwhelmed) - March 25, 2025
- A Self-Love Valentine: Open Your Heart Chakra & Embrace Receiving - February 10, 2025
- Signs You’re Out of Spiritual Alignment and What to Do - January 28, 2025