A 4 mini Course bundle (WITH EXCLUSIVE High -End Trainings on Magnetism) to Step into your higher Self, Get reconnected to Soul, Raise your Vibration & Apply Your Intuitive Gifts With Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert Ashley Aliff.
Step into Your Higher Self & CELEBRATE REBIRTH
I’ve bundled together my top Video And Audio Trainings on Reconnecting to Soul, Tapping into your Intuition, Soul Purpose Work and Ultimately Tapping into How to be MAGNETIC to AWAKEN YOUR SOUL’S TRUTH.
It’s a lost art as a Lightworker & Empath,
If you’ve ever been struggling to connect to your highest self,
confused on if ‘you’re doing it right’, can’t figure out how to talk to your ‘spirit guide’s
Let’s Talk
It’s time for a Crash Course in Soul Communication and Getting you deeply in touch with your INTUITION.
This RARE out of the Vault Bundle teaches you:
1. Reconnect to Soul
2. Goal Setting from Soul Alignment
3. Magnetic Soul Aligned Action
4. Soul Purpose through the Chakra System
+ Spiritual Practices to help you Connect to your Higher Self Daily
+ How to Create Systems to help you Internally Connect to Your Vision & Mindset to Help you Accelerate your Goals Stat
+ Get your head out of INACTIOn and Back into Soul Flow
+ Unlock Your Present Awareness – Without Meditation, whaaa
Begin to Understand how we block our intuition & guidance without realizing it
Allowing yourself to get more Clear, Confident and Consistent
How can we begin to Overcome the Limited Mind & Expand Our Perception of the Third Eye Chakra
RARE Trainings on how to get OVER the Limited Mind and into Deep Truth of Possibility – This helps you manifest faster.
Why we get caught up in not following through, stuck in inaction, or no motivation to move forward (this can shift it all for you)
Teach yourself MAGNETIC ACTION – Receive a never released bundle called “Soul Aligned Magnetic Action” – Where you receive 5 training deep dive into How to REALLY use Aligned Action to your advantage for ultimate success.
The Three Main Power Leaks that keep us Stuck self-sabotaging & How to Bust through them by Reconnecting to your Soul -aligned higher truth.
Sabotage keeps us stuck, limited, and often in lack consciousness.
let me help you BUST through your own B.S. so you begin to OWN your Magnetic Power.
Easy Ways to Create Automated ways to Reconnect with Soul & Spiritual Guidance on REPEAT
Ever felt confused on your true purpose in life? It’s time to get an Energetic Dive into Soul Reconnection by unlocking your Chakras and their hidden gem messages into Soul Purpose.
You’re DONE with guessing at it
You’re Ready to CRACK OPEN your Third eye &
see what you’re really capable of
You’re DONE with your Negative self-talk & Ego B.S.
keeping you from Receiving the Support and Guidance you desire
You are over STRUGGLING with inconsistency
and you are 100% READY to OWN Your SPIRITUAL POWER
& Embrace Living More from a state of Spiritual Alignment.
(Get Instant Access to The Soul Awakening Bundle for only $147 (reg. value over $250)
Many people get confused about the Perspective of “What is Aligned Action?”
The concept of Aligned Action can easily be mistaught or often confused with HUSTLE FEAR LED mentality leaving you chasing your outcome.
When I really understood Magnetic Aligned Action – EVERYTHING, I mean everything finally fell into place for me.
Create more flow State of consciousness
Step more into your Higher Self Energy
Believing in your own Success
Have Higher levels of self-awareness
Take control of your Life!
Have more Fun, Flow, Passion and Purpose
Increase your Goals, Productivity and Action taking
Feel empowered as you let go of fears and
see obstacles that come your way as ‘not a problem’
Overcome obstacles faster
You don’t want tobe reaching for your Meditation practice when you’re exhausted, looking to relax or questioning your Guidance:
Here’s What I have to say about Soul Reconnection,
A lot of people focus on spiritual practice when they NEED it,
As a result they are not choosing to cultivate their relationship to Higher Self, Their guides & most importantly their Intuition!
What I learned a long time ago is that Your Intuition and Higher Self?
So Let’s be Real here:
Are you dating your intuition?
ARe you kinda sorta going out on dates?
or are you in the friend zone, ghosting at the first chance
This is where it’s time to get Real and ask yourself, How often do I reconnect to my Soul ?
IF you’re having a hard time answering,
THIS bundle was made for you.
Why I’m passionate about soul communication – before I really knew about Spirit guides I was ALWAYS hypersensitive – I just didn’t know how to understand that i was an Empath.
Over the years I consistently developed my own energy tools and set of spiritual practices that personally help me Reconnect to my Soul and Raise my Vibration by Focusing on higher consciousness. Higher truth = Higher Consciousness. The more I continued to connect in to my intuition, the MORE CLEAR, CONFIDENT and CONSISTENT SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE BECAME.
It was truly incredible how the answers were so much easier and the solutions presented themselves easier – as I was stepping in more and more to my Higher Self.
A big piece of it was Developing a Relationship with my Intuition and Higher self just like i would a romantic relationship! Over the years I have expanded my practices to include numerous Mindset techniques and Subconscious hacks that further develop my Connection to Spirit and Strengthen my Intuition.
It is with this Reconnection that I have manifested all sorts of things!
A Big piece of understanding my spiritual awakening has been due to my Intuitive gifts and learning how to WORK with them – by Increasing my Self-awareness, Emotionally healing with the chakras and ultimately learning how to Manifest with Spiritual Alignment –
All of it comes back to my relationship with SOUL!
If this is resonating hard –
Why do we Stay In Inaction? Are you tired of putting things off repeatedly? Have you ever considered maybe there’s actually a reason why this happens? In this challenge you’ll learn how to increase your intuition so you stop getting caught up in low motivation or not following through on your desires. By the end of these 5 days you will be out of overwhelm and ready to Jump into Action.
Over the course of 5 Days – Let me teach you how to Reconnect to your Soul truth
are you ready to give up not following through?
are you over procrastinating and listening to the voice of doubt, keeping you stuck?
Then my friend, you are in the right place because what I have made in this challenge is about to shift it all for you.
Let’s get you remembering exactly why you came here
Many of us may be feeling uncertain, low motivation, stuck in inaction or perhaps falling into procrastination when it comes to going after our goals.
Do you know there is a reason why this occurs?
we have stopped listening to our Soul’s higher truth.
Imagine what it would feel like to feel so motivated you want to jump into action
You naturally feel pulled with your intuition where you need to go and what you need to do. And you now have the tools when you fall astray – to easily reconnect back to soul and do it all over again. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
It’s time to Follow your Soul Led Desires and Get your Mindset on Board,
Join me on a Journey into VISIONING Work –
These lessons go over is an evolutionary process of How to SEE Magnetic Action,
How to easily start changing the way you are taking action from soul,
Cultivating the right success mindset to really hone in on ACTION!
These lessons are taken from both high and low end courses of mine(if you are alumni, there may be some crossover) but my intention of pulling out these lessons is so they build you a solid understanding of going DEEP into Aligned Action.
If you binge-watch this series, you will know aligned action like the back of your hand and come out of it, knowing how to properly use this with manifesting anything you desire. This is something that can drastically accelerate your own receiving capacity especially when you start to fully grasp how MAGNETIC you truly are.
Each day will focus on one Chakra and moving through into uncovering deeper layers of our purpose and authentic truth that forever lives inside of us.
Tapping into our Soul Blueprint wouldn’t be complete without uncovering the deepest layers of our Authentic Self within our Chakra system. This is new material where i’m teaching you how to uncover Your Authentic self through powerful Questions.
In this week we will go into some deep talks about Emotional Liberation through the Chakra system. Note this will be not about healing like my previous course. This will be an energetic deep dive into uncovering your Authentic true essence.
This is an exclusive Flash Sale – You Get 20 Trainings in Four Different Mini Courses for the cost of one or payment plan of 77 x 2
You will gain access to the PRIVATE Membership Portal where each of your courses & material will be hosted. Mobile Friendly – on the go access
You will have unlimited replay & lifetime access
YOU RECEIVE FOUR COURSES Pre-Recorded Bundled together: Soul Purpose through the Chakras, Reconnect to Soul Challenge, Goals with Soul Challenge, & Soul Aligned Magnetic Action (never released rare training)
Receive Ultimate Support and Guidance on Your Ascension Spiritual Journey, Learn Powerful Energy Tools, Ways to Enhance Soul Communication , increase your intuition and learn how to overcome limited beliefs.
Some trainings are only exclusively featured in my High Level Manifestation course – Rare, Never Released – Exclusive – this weekend only access.
This Sale ends on April 9th at 11:59 CST
I’m Ashley, an Empowerment mindset coach for Spiritually Awakened Empaths (or Lightworkers) who often feel overwhelmed by their emotions and natural intuitive gifts. Through Mind-Body Healing, I teach them how to emotionally empower themselves so they can feel confident and peaceful to live a more present-minded & purpose-driven Soul Aligned life.
With over ten years in studying emotional Mind-body healing I know how to navigate the Mindset, Energetics and Practical side when it comes to Deep Energy Work. As we step into a new world of spiritual truth, it is my mission to guide others like you to master your own Energy so you can step into your Personal Power, Reconnect to Higher Self, Have more Confidence and Naturally Live from a space of more Soul Alignment.
I teach my soul-led clients how to understand alignment so they can Trust themselves better, own their self-worth and feel Grounded in their bodies, while living life on their own terms. My Mission is to help guide you to remember: The Universe is Inside of you and You Hold the Power to Design Your Life – So Let’s Get started.