Welcome to The Awakened State!

The Awakened State is a place to remember who you truly are.

Most people don’t find me by accident, through some alignment in the sky our lives have crossed paths and I’m grateful you’re stopping by!

Hello there, I’m Ashley I also go by Ash(You can read more on my About page) I’m a spiritual coach of five plus years, awakened soul, quirky pisces and a bit of an energy scientist. I believe we’re all meant to step into the best version of ourselves and thrive.

I’m all about staying grounded, keeping it real, giving a no b.s. approach to spirituality and most of all I enjoy lifting others up!  I believe the universe is playful and that we all have a spark of magic inside of us.


The Awakened State originally was a Tumblr Q&A blog where others could submit stories, questions and experiences. Over the years I started developing the Awakened State into a website and now we’re more like a interconnected Awakened Network.


MINDSET, PODCAST How to Add Mindfulness to Your Busy Life (Even When You’re Overwhelmed) Feeling Too Busy for Spiritual Growth? You’re Not Alone I hear this all the time:“I’m too busy.”“I’m too tired.”“I’m too overwhelmed to even think about spiritual growth.” Listen, I get it. Life happens. Between work, family, and endless responsibilities, it’s easy to Continue Reading ENERGY WORK A Self-Love Valentine: Open Your Heart Chakra & Embrace Receiving Let's honor the Heart chakra by remembering what is at the core of every relationship, Self-Love! This Valentine’s Day, I invite you to dive into self-love and discover the beauty of receiving the love that is already flowing within you. Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, Uncategorized Signs You’re Out of Spiritual Alignment and What to Do How do you know if you are spiritually misaligned? Better yet - What does that even mean, right? how can we make practical sense of what it means to be out of spiritual alignment in our everyday lives? When I Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, INSIGHTS, MINDSET, RITUALS 5 Powerful Ways to Get Spiritually Aligned in 2025  Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or just out of sync when it comes to starting 2025? Because let me tell you, you are not alone. Let me share five powerful ways to get spiritually aligned in 2025 and what to Continue Reading RITUALS, INSIGHTS, Uncategorized The Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Spiritual Seekers and Mindfulness Lovers Welcome to the official Awakened State Spiritual Holiday Gift Guide! It's the Holiday season and you know what that means? It's time to focus on gift-giving. I honestly love gift-giving i find it to be such a fun part of Continue Reading ENERGY WORK Energy Healing Myths vs. Facts: What You Need to Know About Becoming Your Own Healer If you've ever been curious about energy work but you're having the voice of doubt ringing in your ear about the entire concept due to energy healing myths you've come across. You’ve probably heard before:“Energy healing isn’t real.”“It’s all in Continue Reading KUNDALINI AWAKENING How to Manage Kundalini Awakening Symptoms Kundalini awakening is a transformative and deeply spiritual experience, but let’s be honest—it can also be overwhelming. Emotional surges, physical discomfort, psychic phenomena, and even temporary moments of disorientation are all part of the ride. So how do you navigate Continue Reading KUNDALINI AWAKENING 5 Hidden Phases of the Kundalini Awakening Process To Know for More Peace of Mind When it comes to a spiritual awakening or Kundalini awakening process it can be a wild ride, am I right?  I've been thinking about this a lot as I've been doing research for the book I'm writing. The Kundalini awakening process is both Continue Reading INSIGHTS, MINDSET, Uncategorized 3 Daily Habits to Sharpen Your Intuition Understanding the Power of Intuition So, what are three ways that you can use to start sharpening your intuition? Let's dive into exactly that. Here's the thing: when it comes to looking at our intuition, this is one of those hidden Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, HEALING METHODS, KUNDALINI AWAKENING, Uncategorized What's the Difference between Animal Totems and Animal Visitors? Did you know there are spirit guides all around us, ones you might not necessarily be thinking about? Animals! What does it Mean when Animals Visit You?Animals offer us an amazing way to connect to the spirit world. Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, CELESTIAL ENERGIES, MEDITATION Connecting to the Spirit World: 5 Ways to Deepen Your Spiritual Connection This is a topic that comes up a lot in our community and client questions: How can we connect to the spiritual world? or What are easy ways to connect to the spirit world? If you have a lot Continue Reading MINDSET, HEALING METHODS, MEDITATION 6 Ways to Connect With Nature for Balance and Serenity Could the world’s best therapist be free? Connecting with nature for balance and serenity has impressive mental health benefits. It’s also soothing to your soul and can provide inspiration and serenity.  Why should you step outside the next time you need Continue Reading MANIFESTATION, MINDSET What is Inspired Action, Really? A Deep Dive into Manifestation and Intuition Have You Ever Wondered What Inspired Action Really Means? When it comes to manifestation, spiritual awakening, and most of all, spiritual alignment, one of the most crucial ingredients you might be missing is inspired action. This is one of the most Continue Reading MANIFESTATION, MINDSET Why Manifesting is Important for Spiritual Awakening Have you learned how to manifest since starting your Spiritual Awakening?  You may be asking yourself -  Why is Manifesting important for Spiritual Awakening?  What are the Benefits of Incorporating Manifesting practices and principles in your Spiritual Awakening?  I've been practicing manifestation for many Continue Reading MEDITATION, MINDSET Summer Spirituality: Best Practices to Adopt This Season Summer is the ideal time to get outside and re-engage with your spiritual side. The weather invites you to linger, meditating on the miracle of life all around you. It’s the perfect time to adopt a new practice. Embrace practices that Continue Reading MEDITATION, MINDSET 5 Spiritual Practices to Help You Live More Authentically The Importance of Living Authentically Living authentically involves matching your actions and decisions with your core values, desires, and beliefs. This authenticity boosts personal satisfaction and enhances mental and emotional well-being, leading to more profound and genuine relationships. Yet, societal expectations, Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, MINDSET Signs Your Lower Chakras Are Out of Balance The Lower Chakras are often some of the most overlooked chakras when it comes to spiritual awakening and yet I find them Essential to heal for our peace of mind. When we look at how the Lower Chakras Behave, we Continue Reading HEALING METHODS, INSIGHTS, MINDSET The Best Wellness Tips for Emotional Healing Emotional health is a basic tenet of well-being. Since your body functions as a system, lacking emotional regulation skills can affect your mental and physical health. If you recently had to deal with a job loss or a breakup, you’ll Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, HEALING METHODS 5 Common Mistakes in Chakra Healing You Need to Avoid Chakra healing is a powerful practice that can transform your life from the inside out. Let's explore five common mistakes that many individuals make when it comes to chakra healing. Here's How you can begin to enhance your Chakra Healing Continue Reading MINDSET, HEALING METHODS Holistic Self-Care Techniques to Practice Every Week Everybody talks about self-care these days, but its popularity leaves the term woefully misunderstood. These practices are essential to making life meaningful for everyone with any budget. Functioning at your best lets you give your all to your other endeavors, Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, MINDSET How Does Chakra Healing Work? Have you ever wondered: How does chakra healing work behind the scenes? Chakra Healing is a little bit of a mystery, right? Many people have heard of chakras whether from reiki or in general in the newest new age trend, Continue Reading MINDSET, ENERGY WORK Signs of a Blocked Root Chakra The Root Chakra is a Big Part of understanding our Energetic Foundation. However how do we even know if we have a healthy or imbalanced root chakra? With the release of The Chakra Detox Clearing Audio Meditation bundle in the Membership this Continue Reading KUNDALINI AWAKENING, ENERGY WORK, HEALING METHODS 3 Tips to Ease Ascension Symptoms in Spiritual Awakening Are you experiencing unusual symptoms like hypersensitivity, overly strong intuition, hearing spirit guides, and even out-of-body experiences? It could be Ascension symptoms!Ascension Symptoms are a very real phenomenon that happens during Kundalini or Spiritual Awakening reported by over Millions of Continue Reading MINDSET, INSIGHTS Holistic Ways to Strengthen the Connection Between Mind and Body Your mind and body are connected in many ways. Think about the last time you were nervous. Did you feel butterflies in your stomach or your heart racing? Or when you’ve been sick, have you felt your mood dip or Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, KUNDALINI AWAKENING What is Divine Masculine Energy? Curious about divine masculine energy? When it comes to understanding the divine masculine, this is a different playing field than the divine feminine. Let's explore the Role that the divine masculine energy has in relationship to Spiritual Awakening so you Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, KUNDALINI AWAKENING What is Divine Feminine Energy & How to Practically Use it? You may be asking yourself, "What the Heck is Divine Feminine Energy and How do I practically use it?"  Here's the thing, this concept is wildly trending right now, especially in the dating world & Personal Development. There's been a lot of Continue Reading MINDSET, MANIFESTATION Journaling Techniques To Help You Achieve Your Goals Journaling is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals. It provides a space for self-reflection, planning, and tracking progress. When you write down your thoughts, feelings, and ideas, you can gain clarity and insight into your behavior Continue Reading MINDSET, MANIFESTATION 4 Ways to Cultivate a Strong Mindset In the quest for personal and professional success, one factor often stands out as a key determinant: the strength of one's mindset. A strong mindset is not just about occasional positive thinking; it's about a consistent, deep-rooted approach to viewing Continue Reading INSIGHTS, PRACTICAL SPIRITUALITY Build a Consistent Spiritual Practice in 4 Simple Steps Do you ever have a case of the Mondays? maybe every monday 😆 yeah me too, especially when it came to building my spiritual practice about 10 years ago. Motivation and Consistency go hand and hand with each other. Whether you've been Continue Reading ENERGY WORK, Intuition Development How to Clear Your Intuition Third Eye Chakra Meditation When it comes to your Intuition do you find yourself Second-guessing yourself or doubting your capabilities?  It’s honestly more common than you think. One of my greatest pleasures is helping people rediscover their Gifts. Do You feel like you may be Truly holding back Continue Reading

Let me introduce you to some of our most Popular and Expansive posts:

One of my most personal experiences I’ve shared is within the Symptoms of Awakening Series. I talk about how I experienced Pure Ego Death and how it truly changed my  life forever.

Also Extra Bonus: If you’re wanting to know more about the Chakras – Check our The Chakra Alignment Quiz specifically made to help you identify which chakra needs the most healing, love and attention – Check it out here:

<<< The Chakra Alignment Quiz >>>


The Awakened Network is a place off of social media to connect with like-minds individuals. It is a place to cultivate community, bring like-minds together towards supporting their journey through spiritual awakening and creating a soul-aligned life.  A Community to support one another, connect and share on your personal spiritual journey. Often many on their awakening journey feel lost and alone, let this be a space where you can pour your heart out through concerns, questions, Awakening stories, experiences, revelations, philosophies, artwork, research, ascension symptoms and everything that connects to the beauty of Kundalini Awakening.



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Every New and Full moon I send out an Energy Report filled with personal energy tips, insight and ways to handle the incoming energies. I know your inbox is sacred so I take time to honor that space by sending only the most helpful and informative for your magical life.

Also as a VIP subscriber you get special access to our Awakened Library filled with guides, workbooks and now audio to help you on your journey ahead! My personal fav is the dare to dream workbook. Click below to be a part of our inner circle.


As an Empowerment Spiritual Mindset coach & Manifestation Teacher, I offer many different ways to work with me for deeper support. I am creating a movment of Practical Spirituality & Emotional Liberation through intentional living. I am a New Paradigm Teacher showing you how to not just Heal on all levels through the mind-body Connection, but radically learn how to Empower your Life.   I offer Group Coaching Programs, Digital products, Meditations, challenges, & Self-study Courses to help you further on your Spiritual Path.

I Specialize in Topics such as: 

  • Learning Energy Tools to Heal, Clear & Empower our Self & Lives 
  • Transcending Limited Beliefs 
  • Intentional Living Through Simple manifestation Processes
  • Learning about the Power of the Subconscious & Subconscious Reprogramming
  • How to Get out of Inaction, & not following Through back into Soulful Aligned Action
  • Psychological Chakra Clearing Work 
  • Releasing Resistance Habits & Emotional Triggers
  • Utilizing the Mind-body Connection
  • Making Peace with our Past to Co-create a New Future for ourselves
  • Potent Soul Work: Rituals, Tools, Audio, Video, Workbooks The whole shabang…


If you’re ready for Radical Transformation to Awaken Your Highest Potential & Manifest easier than ever. 

Check out some of the Programs, Courses & self-study options I offer Here at The Awakening School:

I look forward to our journey together,



And Always Remember,


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Hey There!

I’m Ashley, As an Empowerment Mindset Coach & Manifestation Expert, I support Spiritual empaths (or Lightworkers) Struggling to Manage their Symptoms of Spiritual awakening. I teach them how to Emotionally heal & Change the way they Think & act, so that they  can confidently Own their Intuitive gifts, Believe in their own Success & Manifest a Soul Aligned Life they are obsessed with

 The Awakened State is a place of Emotional Empowerment, Divine Support & Guidance to help you on your spiritual journey.


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